In reference to Dennis Taylor’s latest blast of vitriol in his
Wednesday, Nov. 27 column, I challenge you Mr. Taylor to, as they

lay your cards on the table.


In reference to Dennis Taylor’s latest blast of vitriol in his Wednesday, Nov. 27 column, I challenge you Mr. Taylor to, as they say, “lay your cards on the table.”

First Mr. Taylor, where is your EVIDENCE that Ms. Cynthia Walker wants her “fundamentalist religion” to be the law of the land? Proof Mr. Taylor, not speculation on your part. Unless you’ve asked her a direct question to that end and received a “yes” answer, then, as they say in court Mr. Taylor, “Objection, assumes a fact not in evidence.”

So, if you can’t prove it, don’t say it. I’d think your ethical standards would dictate that, wouldn’t they Mr. Taylor? Second, I challenge you to prove to the people that read The Dispatch just exactly what your credentials are as “an award winning journalist.” Maybe I’ve missed something in your past columns, but since you’ve given yourself that accolade, then I expect you should have no trouble 1) identifying (in your own column of course) what journalism award(s) you have received, 2) who gave them to you, 3) when they were given to you, and 4) the proof of such award(s). If you can’t deliver the proof, then drop the “award-winning journalist” part at the bottom of your columns.

Until I see such proof, I’ll continue to view you as a small-town columnist whose ego is far bigger than it should be. And also, I for one, have certainly not been impressed by your continued lack of courtesy and professionalism expressing your liberal options.

James Fennell, Gilroy

Submitted Thursday, Nov. 28 to ed****@ga****.com

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