Disappointment would not begin to describe the way I felt after
reading about the mayor’s
aired in last week’s Dispatch editorial board meeting in editor
Mark Derry’s column. I don’t mind someone criticizing my position
or action on a matter, but to infer wrongdoing without knowing any
of the facts is just plain poor judgment in my book.
Mayor’s comments way out of line – ‘It’s my job and moral responsibility’
Dear Editor,
Disappointment would not begin to describe the way I felt after reading about the mayor’s “complaint” aired in last week’s Dispatch editorial board meeting in editor Mark Derry’s column. I don’t mind someone criticizing my position or action on a matter, but to infer wrongdoing without knowing any of the facts is just plain poor judgment in my book.
The mayor – inferring that when Councilman Bob Dillon and I met with newly elected Councilman Perry Woodward for Sunday brunch three times between December ’07 and January ’08 at Jeffery’s Restaurant, we must be up to no good.
The mayor made it clear to the editorial board that, “we should stop meeting for coffee”. Apparently, the only time we should talk to each other is on the dais, during an official meeting.
It is a sad day when this kind of action is taken by the mayor to smear the names and reputation of his fellow council members.
I will continue to talk with my fellow council members, making sure to follow the Brown Act, as well as members of this community whenever and wherever it is convenient. It is my job and moral responsibility as a city councilman.
Craig Gartman, councilman, city of Gilroy
Spirit of Gilroy High Choirs and Phil Robb motivate many to help
Dear Editor,
One frequently asked question I get is “Hey do you still have kids at the high school?” “No.” I reply. “Then why are you still doing all this?”
Let me tell you why. It’s because of the kids in all our wonderful music programs and our incomparable music director Mr. Phil Robb. It’s also because of all of our fabulous volunteers and contributors. Lastly it’s because of this community that has a marvelous spirit of giving and supporting one another.
A recent event provided a perfect example. I was asked to chair the last fund-raiser for our Chamber Choir Alumni who were invited to perform in Japan by our sister city Takko-Machi in celebration of the 20th anniversary of our relationship.
A big thank you goes to all our hard working parents and alumni who made this special event possible. To our chefs Jan Frume, Jim Rogers, Bill O’Connor and Wayne Young whose expertise in grilling and slicing were greatly appreciated. Tito Gonzales and Carissa Heath did an outstanding job cooking all those lovely onions and peppers. Many thanks also to our contributors Nob Hill Foods, Gilroy Grocery Outlet and Christopher Ranch. Vito Mercado, Dave Cook and Karen Christopher, you are simply the best. You are always willing to help the choirs in all our fundraising efforts and you make my job a joy. I can always count on your support. Lori Jeske (GUSD staff) always provides immeasurable help and laughs in use of the kitchen facilities and I always look forward to her infectious attitude and spirit. God bless you, Lori.
Lastly, I would like to thank all the parents and community members who came to hear the Jazz Band and Pops Concert and who bought all our delicious pepper steak sandwiches. Without you our fund-raiser would not have been the success that it was.
All the monies have now been raised for this amazing trip by 30 of our very own Chamber Choir Alumni to travel and perform in Japan this June and represent our fair city and state. I know that they will be terrific ambassadors of all that our schools and city embody.
I wish them a safe and exciting reunion and look forward to stories of their adventures. Bon voyage and God’s speed.
Tina Bundros, Gilroy, Chair Choir Alumni BBQ
Nice to see new hotels, but has a few suggestions on town needs
Dear Editor,
While it is nice to see new hotels coming to Gilroy, I would hope to see similar development on the Leavesley Avenue corridor. That area is blighted and needs cleaning, especially between Forest and Railroad avenues.
Considering the heavy traffic on Leavesley, a first-rate hotel or grocery store would fit right in on this gateway.
Also, Gilroy should attract a department store like Gottschalks or Macy’s. This would be nice near the downtown if possible and keep shoppers in town.
Frank Morales, Gilroy
No helmets on bicycle and scooter riders – is that allowed?
Dear Editor,
I and sure seeing many minors riding bicycles and scooters without helmets. Have we given up enforcing that law?
Crystal Mickler, Gilroy