I am extremely disappointed in all the members of the Gilroy
Unified School District Board of Trustees, not only for the
decision to demote former Gilroy High Athletic Director Jack Daley
but also the refusal to reconsider or at least have dialog with the
residents of Gilroy.
Dear Editor,
I am extremely disappointed in all the members of the Gilroy Unified School District Board of Trustees, not only for the decision to demote former Gilroy High Athletic Director Jack Daley but also the refusal to reconsider or at least have dialog with the residents of Gilroy.
Hiding behind the mantra of “we can’t discuss personnel issues of employees” just doesn’t cut it. I am sure that you are all hoping this issue will just go away, that Gilroyans will lose interest. I will not forget, and I am sure many others will not also.
I am most disappointed in Rhoda Bess and Mark Good who I thought would be more thoughtful, more understanding. I see the school board made up of mostly “yes” men. Criminal action is one thing, making a mistake is quite another thing. I hope you can sleep at nights. I’m sure Jack can.
There are a lot of influential people in this community that agree with me and I would hope that Gilroy would have the sense to vote in new Board members.
Bill Guenther, Gilroy