Readers comment on ‘progress’, give a cheer to a local business,
champion the Islamic center proposal and express concerns about the
use of city water fund money
Stop the ‘Progress’ – If You Want a Huge Mall Move to San Jose

Dear Editor,

I have lived in Gilroy since I was a little girl (1958) and I have seen many changes most of them not for the better. So many new comers tell me that they love Gilroy, and just couldn’t wait to get out of the San Jose area. Then the next thing I hear is they should tear down most of First Street, and put in better shopping, They are so excited in the fact that we may be getting a new mall east of town.

Let me tell you that I would gladly drive to Valley Fair Mall any day, to do my shopping and get rid of the outlets, and all of the “progress” east of U.S. 101. I hated to see the hills west of town become “Eagle Ridge.” What beauty we have lost, and the memories.

I like First Street just as it is, I can still remember cruising Monterey and First, on a Friday or Saturday evening, what memories we have and I personally do not want to loose them. Granted downtown needs a bit of work, but I see progress there, and am very happy with it. Please if you want all the malls and progress that comes with that go back to San Jose, and leave Gilroy alone.

Lynn Hennessee-Cordia, Gilroy

Restaurant Stepped Up to the Plate With a Full Serving During the Fire

Dear Editor,

We would like to thank Carnitas Michoacan mexican restaurant for the generous donation of food for the firemen and women who were fighting the Lick Fire.

We ordered food for my brother-in-law and several other firemen and women who were at the Christmas Hill Camp. Carnitas Michoacan donated part of the order and we wanted to express our appreciation for their generosity. There was enough food to feed 25 individuals. Thank you Carnitas Michoacan

Jason and Wendy Sonne, Gilroy

Build Islamic Center or Let the Left Take Away Our Religious Freedoms

Dear Editor,

I will begin by saying that I hope the proposed Islamic Center gets built in San Martin, and may it be grand. Allaho akbar!

Although the arguments from the opposing view only focused on Islam, any successful attempt to block construction will set a dangerous precedent (Brown vs. Board comes to mind) that could be easily broadened against other private groups, both religious and cultural. (Remember how the local labor unions tried to stop Wal-Mart using environmental laws?)

This would be the foot in the door for those from the socialist extreme who want to ban organized religion. Although they are a vocal minority and will not succeed in our lifetime, they are a danger to the freedom of our posterity. These are the same who are trying to remove “one nation under God” from the Pledge of Allegiance and “In God we Trust” from our money. These are the same who have gone to the extreme of banning, or trying to ban, student-led religious groups.

Using fear tactics, constantly reminding us of the actions of a few brave extremists, is one way to put “church” under the control of the state, further circumventing the Constitution. They have already succeeded in nullifying the Tenth Amendment nationwide and the Second Amendment in California; they won’t stop until the entire Bill of Rights is overturned. The “national security” excuse (lie) is a useful tool; they used it to justify the draft during the Vietnam War. Sadly, there are some local fellow conservatives (not the Libertarian ones) who are falling for this.

The socialist left, were they to take power (and they are dangerously close in this state), will use law and the corrupt, activist courts (packed with nuisance, arrogant judges, but I digress) to limit religious activity. We often read the opinions of those who will drone on and on about “separation of church and state,” which is not in the Constitution, and then remain suspiciously silent on such issues as the prohibition of candidate endorsements by religious leaders. This is a blatant violation of the First Amendment, however, they get away with it via judicial fiat and the income tax, which was a WWII-era con brought into existence because, again, the government wanted to go to war.

“Terrorism” is the new red scare, folks! The government is again trying to expand its power; they are using the same fear tactics that have duped the fearful for generations. Every party (except the Libertarians) is using 9/11 for political gain. Don’t fall for the paranoia! We must not sacrifice freedom for a little temporary security.

No group should be denied the right to build a meeting place on its private property. If the paranoid get away with stopping construction of the Islamic Center, tomorrow they will stop a temple, and the next day they will stop a church. And it’s all to protect us from ourselves; that excuse is the real threat, and it is truly scary.

Alan Viarengo, Gilroy

Grave Concerns Still About Misuse of City Water Funds

Dear Editor,

The recent controversy over alleged misuse of water funds was a legitimate concern and it was right to bring it not just to the council’s attention, but before Gilroy residents as well. The mayor and the council members were so miffed by Councilman Craig Gartman’s revelation at the regular meeting because they were afraid it would make “the city get egg on its face”.

No, instead, the mayor would prefer government be conducted in the dark in direct contradiction to his statement of support of “sunshine laws” at the recent mayoral debate. If the mayor was so sure that Gartman and the anonymous letter were off base, then why the angry overreaction? If the record was so clear and concise, then why did it cost $10,000 to $15,000 dollars to prove there was no wrongdoing? Was there an outside auditing agency brought in? I doubt it since they would have never gotten the results prior to the election. If the report was prepared by city staff, why are we being billed for what we already knew?

I still have my doubts about the whole transaction and I do not trust the very people responsible for the possible indiscretion with providing a report exonerating themselves. I don’t believe Ms. Wendie Rooney’s revelation about the 2004 Water Master Plan being trumped by a more recent document. It does not explain why such brittle pipes from the 1800’s were not on the Water Master Plan in 2004. That seems like a huge oversight on the part of city staff.

These kind of missteps give rise to concerns by citizens and current and former city staff and employees who certainly wouldn’t sign a letter for fear of retribution. Judging by the public assassination of Councilman Gartman by Mayor Pinheiro and his fellow councilman, it gives undeniable credence to that fear. Gartman should be applauded for being willing to investigate this allegation which in all likelihood would implicate himself as well as the other elected officials not of a crime necessarily, but of lack of oversight of city staff. Let the sunshine in.

Mark A. Zappa, Gilroy, Citizen’s Against Waste and Fraud

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