Dear Red Phone: We were driving on Wren Avenue and realized that
they still have all the school zone signs up, and they’re taking
the school down. Maybe they could do something about that?
Traffic woes
Dear Red Phone: We were driving on Wren Avenue and realized that they still have all the school zone signs up, and they’re taking the school down. Maybe they could do something about that?
Red Phone:
Dear Observant: Red Phone contacted the man who knows about traffic in Gilroy, Don Dey, city transportation engineer. That is something we have on our schedule to review, he said. The city will look at all sign locations and request old signs be removed. And, just to let you know, dear caller, new signs have been installed near the new school.
Did the city plan for all the new traffic
Dear Red Phone: Luchessa and Thomas Road traffic is terrible. It has people going to the new school and going to the high school.
I just sat in traffic for 10 minutes, and it didn’t used to be this way. Did the city not plan for this traffic?
Red Phone:
Dear Stuck in Traffic: Again, Dey has the answer. The issue is with the start of any new school there is congestion that occurs with everyone trying to figure out drop-off and pick-up times, and as time goes on all of that will settle down.
Will mall Help Pay for a widened road
Dear Red Phone: The New Mall: Will they widen the bridge over (U.S.) 101 and make that mess go away?
Red Phone:
Dear Concerned: It’s too early to tell what’s going to happen with traffic circulation improvements, Dey said. The city is in the initial stages of looking at the area, and there will have to be a number of roadway and bridge improvements to accommodate traffic. We just don’t know what they are right now.
A barrier to knowing
Dear Red Phone: Sixth and Princevalle. Is the city going to ever remove that barrier?
Red Phone:
Dear Wondering: That barrier blocks off a residential portion from Sixth Street and is subject to a study in the future to determine whether the barrier is removed.