
Meet Cooper (top right). He is about 10 weeks old. He was found as a stray and taken to the Hollister animal shelter. The girl who found him adopted him, but her father wouldn’t let her keep him. She asked friends and coworkers if they knew of anyone who might take him.
My neighbor who works with her called me. I lost two of my cats in a house fire on Dec. 24, 2012. He came into my home – where I already have four cats, two dogs and two snakes – and acted like he owned the place.
Sheldon (right) is about 5 1/2 months old. Sheldon rarely hangs out with the other cats. When I give the dogs “snackies,” he’s right there with the them. Whichever dog sits first gets the first treat. Then they need to do tricks to get more treats. Sheldon knows “sit” “wave” and “roll over.” We are still working on “shake.” He’s really quite brilliant for such a young guy.
– Andrea Sommer

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