Dear Red Phone, Since the Dispatch always has some kind of
online vote to get the public’s opinion on things, I suggest you
have a vote to see how many people think that the mayor and city
council need to be recalled.

“Dear Red Phone, Since the Dispatch always has some kind of online vote to get the public’s opinion on things, I suggest you have a vote to see how many people think that the mayor and city council need to be recalled.”

Dear Badabing,

As the editor wrote in his Friday column, this idea makes little fiscal sense given the cost of a recall election and the tough times the city is facing. Red Phone understands getting red-faced over the layoffs. It’s only human.

If you have specific suggestions for different ways to approach the budget write a letter to the editor (


) or send them along to Red Phone.

So, good caller, thank you for the suggestion but hope it makes sense as to why we have chosen to post other polls instead.

What to do with old and tattered flags

“We noticed the Red Phone message asking what to do with U.S. flags that need retirement. Please visit and click on Boy Scout Troop 792. You will find an on-line form and will receive a letter certifying its retirement.”

And …

“Regarding the recent question on what to do with old, faded or torn United States flags which appeared in your January 30th edition. Gilroy’s American Legion Posts #217 and #669 as well as the VFW Post #6309 provide a box in the lobby of the Veterans Building for just that purpose.The building is located at 74 West 6th Street (corner of Eigleberry Street). For those unable to bring them to the building, we will be happy to pick up any American flag that needs to disposed of. You may reach us at


or leave a message at 842-8449.


Raymond Sanchez, Adjutant

American Legion Post #217

Dear Flag Recyclers,

Thank you for clarifying where and what to do with our old flags.

Now, good readers, there are a few options for you to choose from when needing to rid of your flags. So remember to treat them with respect and if you have any questions, let one of the above organizations know.

Features on each winner coming soon

“I saw in the newspaper several weeks ago a feature on Woman of the Year and I’m curious if you’re going to run bios or anything on the other recipients? I think there’s a Man of the Year, business, educator and volunteer. I’m just curious. It would be nice if they were all given equal treatment. And you guys are doing a fabulous job, so thanks.”

Dear Following the Winners,

You can check out today’s front page for an article on the educator of the year – Lori Franke. The article will also give details of the awards dinner.

Stay tuned for features for all the winners in the next couple of months: Don Christopher, Man of the Year; Mark Jacobsen, Volunteer of the Year; and Gary Walton, Businessman of the Year.

These are all wonderful people who help make Gilroy a better place to live and we look forward to helping you get to know them better.

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