Dear Editor,
Thank you for writing an article about our play, The Kapok Tree. Actually, our play takes place in the Amazon Rain forest in South America, not in the Ivory Coast of Western Africa. This play is about a very important tree that all the animals in the rain forest love.
Next time, I would consider asking the director, Mrs. Katie Larsen, questions because she would know all the facts. Our play is not about the Beng people, but is about the Yanamona tribe and the animals that live in and around The Kapok Tree.
The message of the book and the show is that too many trees are getting cut down. Deforestation is destroying our rain forest. Then, we will die because we will have no more oxygen and the animals will have no homes. People should leave the rain forest alone.
Emily Doughty, Christopher McCann and Rayan Parhar,
third graders at Antoino Del Buono
Editor’s Note: The misinformation came from a parent volunteer.