Hi Red Phone, I noticed that the second chance is up for the
cheerleaders from GHS and I’m so happy,
Hooray for a Second Chance
“Hi Red Phone, I noticed that the second chance is up for the cheerleaders from GHS and I’m so happy, I hope they get to go. And yes, I’m just calling because I want to remind Rhoda Bress and Tom Bundros that they are up for election, and Pat Midtgaard. And not only will I also be sitting there waiting to see what will happen and what their vote is, but I’m not reconsidering my vote either and they’re not going to get voted in next time, thank you.”
Red Phone:
Caller, yes the cheerleaders will have a second chance to justify how important and beneficial this trip they have worked for will be to them once again to the GUSD School Board. The board had a change of heart and unanimously voted Thursday night to reconsider the cheerleader’s request to attend the Pro Bowl after many spoke out in disapproval of their original decision. The cheerleaders and the community are hopeful it will be a complete about face next week. The special meeting will be Wednesday, Oct. 11 and their trip request is the only thing on the agenda. Thanks for reading and stay tuned for a story after the decision Wednesday night.
Noisy Leaf Blowers
“I would like to comment on Saturday’s small column regarding Capitola and how their city council decided not to ban leaf blowers. Instead they restricted the hours they can be used: Between 8am and 5pm. Cheers to Capitola council, I sure hope our council follows their example. I am convinced that leaf blowers contribute to sinus and respiratory problems and although I know they will never be banned it would be heavenly not to hear their obnoxious sounds before 8am. Thanks for doing a great job Red Phone.”
Red Phone:
Good caller, you timing is impeccable with this idea. City officials will meet Monday night to discuss this very issue. It’s safe to say we can all agree that if a compromise could be reached on time allotments for leaf blowers then everyone could enjoy their day. More information on the study session to collaborate on noise around town can be found in the story ‘Officials Brainstorm Noise Ordinance, Gather Research’ on page A3. Thanks for calling.
Do you have a comment, complaint or compliment about an issue that affects Gilroy and its residents? Perhaps you’d like to suggest a turn signal at a troubled intersection? Or maybe offer up a compliment for a good job done by city workers? Let the Red Phone know. But remember to leave a name and number when you call. The Red Phone won’t publish this information – it will only be used if verification is necessary. Contact the Red Phone at 842-9070 or e-mail