I found a recent headline disturbing, that a group of
 local vultures are going to try to con us into a parcel tax.
These relics, who want to continue taxing property, need to be
rounded up and deported to France, where they have a 

wealth tax

(which is no more than a property tax
– if you own something, they will continue to eat away until
it’s gone).  
Dear Editor,

I found a recent headline disturbing, that a group of local vultures are going to try to con us into a parcel tax. These relics, who want to continue taxing property, need to be rounded up and deported to France, where they have a “wealth tax” (which is no more than a property tax – if you own something, they will continue to eat away until it’s gone).  

The parcel tax is the most unfair possible. An entire complex of 100 apartments, a two-bedroom house, and an ivory tower each pay the same dollar amount. It is a tax on the middle class, hitting the working class the hardest. The far left cries (and lies) that taxes are lower than ever; California’s taxes are at their highest since we forced a historic reform in 1978. Some counties have sales tax over 10 percent. 

When comparing income to cost of living, California is a fourth poorest state in the union (Census 2010 data). It is not by coincidence that we also have the fourth highest tax rate in the country (2009 Tax Freedom Day) and the second-highest unemployment rate (March 2011, BLS). Democrats in the state of Illinois recently passed a 70% tax hike. “We have no choice,” they sob. Then you look into why their state is in debt. One of the major reasons is $78 billion in underfunded pension liabilities; that is, pensions to which the elite public employees of Illinois are entitled but the masses will never see.  

Every time we are dumb enough to suffer a tax hike, (1) it never goes away, even if they promise it’s “temporary,” and (2) they increase spending, particularly on the faction who elected them. Remember when Gov. Davis lavished huge pay increases on the public employees, starting with the prison guards? 

Nationally, we are near the 100th anniversary of a like scam. On Feb. 3, 2013, our country will have suffered 100 years of the lie known as income tax, conned into paying for one of many wars we should have both avoided and ignored. Maybe we can take it back on that day, as both upper levels of government (federal and state) collapse under their own debt and no longer have such power to abuse. 

Alan Viarengo, Gilroy

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