Do you believe sending U.S. troops to Iraq and Afghanistan in
the wake of 9/11 has made America safer?
Do you believe sending U.S. troops to Iraq and Afghanistan in the wake of 9/11 has made America safer?
– NO! I’m against the war. It has proven to be extremely costly in human lives and tons of money that we don’t have. Going in and digging up terrorists like Saddam Hussein. Osama bin Laden and their followers is the best practice. Justice was served. Killing and maiming innocent people from our country and theirs is NOT!
– I did not agree with the decision to send troops to Iraq. Most of the 9/11 hijackers were from Yemen or Saudi Arabia. I understand going after bin Laden in Afghanistan and flushing him out of his comfort zone. But the U.S. wasted valuable time and resources going on a witch hunt in Iraq when they could have been focusing on bin Laden sooner. Overall I think the U.S. is a safer place, especially to fly. We have to listen to our intelligence which we did not do the first time if we are to prevent another 9/11.
– No. I think the military effort interrupted the global plans of those who would do harm to the U.S., but the increased security awareness in the U.S. and around the Western world has made us safer. The troops NEED TO COME HOME, NOW! It is a no-win for U.S. in this fight against absurd extremist tribal cultures.
– No. With all due respect to the military personnel and their families that have selflessly given so much, going into Iraq was a monumental and costly blunder that has only served to destabilized the region and create a vacuum for terrorists.
– Yes. Absolutely! If we did not do this, the terrorists would know we were beaten.
– Deep down I must say NO. These cultures will never embrace American style democracy, so what have we proven by being there? It would have been better for America’s safety to fully enforce the southern U.S. border with U.S. troops.
– Yes. The events of 9/11 brought the realization of how much some others hate America. Our troops, combined with our nation’s and personal awareness, are making us safer than we were on that dreadful day.
– NO! The action we took in Iraq only emboldened those who wish to do us harm. Iraq also diverted much needed attention and resources that were needed in Afghanistan. Seems like we are always trying to return to the glory days of WWII where we helped defeat tyranny and free the people. Never gonna happen when we keep trying to “help” the world unilaterally.
– I know I don’t feel safer, so “no”.
– Yes. Without the people that know that they can make a difference in joining, voluntarily, our military forces to make a difference in the world, we wouldn’t be continuing the job that we started – which is to make the world a safer, saner place for all involved.
– No. The country is no safer, thousands of precious lives have been lost in Iraq and Afghanistan, trillions of dollars have been spent, and the extremist terrorists simply ramp up their efforts.
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