music in the park, psychedelic furs

The 31st Gilroy Garlic Festival is fast approaching on July 24 –
26, and you’re still irresistibly drawn to it every year for
reasons you may not even comprehend. This simple test will confirm
if YOU are addicted to the Gilroy Garlic Festival:
by Patricia DeStasio (aka Garlicia)

The 31st Gilroy Garlic Festival is fast approaching on July 24 – 26, and you’re still irresistibly drawn to it every year for reasons you may not even comprehend. This simple test will confirm if YOU are addicted to the Gilroy Garlic Festival:

1. You’ve arrived at the Festival and it’s 102 degrees out there so you:

a. Go home

b. Consume mass quantities of Fruit Friz and Garlic Ice Cream

c. Cruise the Mist Tent and then hang out in the Wine Tent

d. Enter the Garlic Topping contest to take your mind off the heat

2. The Pyro Chefs in Gourmet Alley have a 5 foot blaze leaping out of the calamari pans and you:

a. Run for your life and jump in the creek (it’s probably dry so look out …)

b. Take lots of pictures to send to the relatives back home

c. Take bets on which chef will singe their eyebrows

d. Scream WOOHOO and stare in amazement like a first time tourist

3. You’re waiting in line for the Scampi in Garlic Butter and you:

a. Take a Pepcid Complete because you already have heartburn

b. Become best friends with the person behind you

c. Become engaged to the person behind you

d. Break up with the person behind you (but refuse to give up your place in line…)

4. You go the Great Garlic Cook-Off and tell everyone within earshot that you:

a. Think the contestants use too much garlic

b. Think they don’t use enough garlic

c. Wish you were one of the cook-off judges

d. Have tried every one of the winning recipes from every Cook-Off

5. The band is starting in the Amphitheater and you:

a. Try to head away from the crowd and all that noise

b. Get in the beer line fast so you can have a cold one with the music

c. Beat everyone there because you got online yesterday to see who was playing and when

d. Are the first one on the dance floor, waving wildly at your friends to “come on down”

6. You go to the Christopher Ranch Garlic booth and you:

a. Buy one bulb of garlic

b. Get into a heavy discussion with the staff about the benefits of California garlic

c. Buy the biggest braid they have so you can wear it around your neck all day

d. Buy as much garlic as you can possibly carry hoping it will last you at least a month

7. You’re leaving the Festival grounds and you’re:

a. Hot, tired, hungry and cranky

b. Hot, tired, full and happy

c. Hot, tired, full, happy and broke

d. Hot (you probably lost 5 pounds!), tired (you’ll sleep good tonight!), full (yay, you don’t have to cook dinner!), happy (you loved every minute!) and broke (you sure got some cool stuff!). You’re also carrying a bag of pepper steak sandwiches for later …

Your Score: If you picked only A. statements, you are not hooked and live a bland life free from garlic breath. (You’re safe for another year unless your new neighbor is a vampire … Blaahaha!) If you picked B., C., and especially D., you’re addicted for sure … on fun, friendly people and great, garlicky food. Your taste buds are poised and ready for the gastronomic gala that is the Gilroy Garlic Festival. I’ll see you there!

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