As a self-proclaimed amateur astronomer, I feel that Christmas
has come early this year. No, I didn’t receive any presents early,
but I did receive one of the most famous views in the sky: the
great red planet of Mars.
As a self-proclaimed amateur astronomer, I feel that Christmas has come early this year. No, I didn’t receive any presents early, but I did receive one of the most famous views in the sky: the great red planet of Mars. All I have to do is look up into the east-northeast sky soon after sunset and there it is. Now I say the great “red” planet of Mars. Anyone can look up and see Mars as a yellowish/orange color in the sky, but it just wouldn’t sound right calling it the great “yellowish/orange” planet of Mars. Maybe we can call it the “campfire-colored” planet. Actually you can call it any color you want, you won’t be wrong. Man has always exaggerated when handing out colors to objects, whether a beautiful bird or an object in the sky. I have a habit of exaggerating at times myself; after all, I do sell real estate.

You won’t want to miss the great “red” planet this month because it won’t look any better until the year 2016. On Dec. 24, Mars lies opposite the Sun to the Earth, but the elliptical Martian orbit has Mars nearest to Earth on Dec. 18, when the diameter reaches its maximum size. That information won’t make any difference to us though, just get out there with your telescope and take advantage of the every other year closeness of the planet.

The size scope you have will determine what you get to see of Mars. And don’t wait until the 18th to take your first look, there is much to see even now, the first week in December. The most prominent surface feature you will most likely see are the polar ice caps. With the exception of the ice caps, the easiest Martian feature for observers to identify is the large dark triangular feature named Syrtis Major. Don’t miss the clouds. All Martian clouds are temporary. They usually associate with a specific area, and Mars’ rotation carries them along. Mars is famous for dust storms. These dust storms occur more often when Mars lies closest to the Sun and the heating is greatest. Because this year Mars’ 2007 perihelion isn’t one of its closest to the Sun, astronomers don’t expect much in the way of global storms.

I’m sure by now almost everyone has seen the e-mail spreading around that Mars will get the size of the Moon. This statement first appeared in mid-2003. If you see Mars that big in the sky in your back yard you won’t have time to admire it very long, because life as we know it will be over soon – very soon. Someone’s idea of an Internet joke I guess.

Although Mars will appear brightest on Dec. 24, it will look almost as bright a couple of weeks before and after that. The closeness of the planet isn’t like a solar eclipse that is over in minutes. So if you are clouded out one night, don’t worry, you will have plenty of time to view the “red planet” later.


If the skies are going to put on a great show in your own back yard, then why not watch? The Geminid meteor shower peaks on the night of Dec. 13-14 and it is not bothered by the moonlight after the lunar crescent sets in the early evening. The showers actually begin around the 12th of the month and ends around the 16th.

Meteor showers are one of the easiest events in the night sky to watch. You don’t need anything but a lounge chair, some heavy clothing/sleeping bag, some good hot chocolate/coffee and maybe some good friends or family. I usually put my dog in the house because she doesn’t care about the showers; she just wants to play fetch. Very annoying.

Be sure to watch at 6 p.m. on the night of the 23rd as the Moon will be only 0.92 degrees from the planet Mars. Nice time for a telephoto shot. And no, it won’t be the same size of the Moon. (I guess we covered that already.)

Don’t forget to take some time out of the hectic holiday season to enjoy the heavens, it just might slow your hurried mind down a little. Clear skies.

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