Many people miss putts before they have even stroked the
Many people miss putts before they have even stroked the ball. The reason is they have poor alignment. If the putter is not aiming at your target when you start, it’s difficult for it to be aiming at your target when you make contact.
Alignment is the key to giving yourself a good chance to make any putt. You must be sure that your putter is aiming where you want the ball to go. One key alignment guide is to have your eyes over the ball or directly behind the ball on the line of the putt. If your eyes are directly over the ball you can be successful at the two key alignment points which are aiming the putter head and putting the ball down the line.
When your eyes are over the ball you can see with ease where your putter is aiming and can thus make adjustments. You can do this because you are right over the top of the putter not looking at it at an angle. Secondly, when you tilt your head several times to look down the line to the hole, your eyes are constantly going down that line much like looking down the barrel of a rifle.
Making sure your eyes are over the ball is easy. Just take your stance like you are ready to putt. Hold a ball at the bridge of your nose and drop it. It should land on top of or directly behind the ball. If it doesn’t, adjust.
Remember when all else fails take a lesson, you’ll be surprised how much we can help.
To schedule a lesson with PGA-certified instructor Don DeLorenzo, please call Gilroy GC at 848-0490.