music in the park, psychedelic furs

Dear Editor,
Can the Valley Transportation Authority and the Silicon Valley
Leadership Group tax us to solvent, sustainable public transit.
Only when pigs fly.
Dear Editor,

Can the Valley Transportation Authority and the Silicon Valley Leadership Group tax us to solvent, sustainable public transit. Only when pigs fly. Karl Marx’s policy cannot yield long-term sustainable transport. So long as fares don’t cover expenses, carriers are insolvent, and the VTA/SVLG transit model was conceived insolvent and born bankrupt, but kept running by massive blood transfusions from taxpayers to transit riders. Tax and waste, tax and waste, ad infinitum, is a fatal policy.

Carriers of all modes, e.g., airlines, railroads, truckers, pipelines, buses, rickshaws, bullet trains, or lunar escalators, go belly-up unless their income exceeds their costs. Bleeding taxpayers with excessive boondoggle taxes works only so long as there is blood to give, and VTA/SVLG have taken more than we ever should have allowed them to bleed from us. Taxing motorists out of their cars is self-defeating for VTA/SVLG social engineers, who get 99 percent of their revenues from motorists. Caltrain wastefulness ain’t no better than BART follow – it is cheaper to move them by limousine, and cheaper to buy them houses in San Jose, or up the Peninsula, than to “give” them boondoggle rides at taxpayer’s expense. Only by privatization can the VTA/SVLG model be fixed permanently. They can add 1/4-cent taxes together until they take 100 percent of our money, but they’ll never get their Marxist system to last.

VTA and SVLG are killing our children and grandchildren’s future, a quarter-cent tax increase at a time; death by a thousand cuts (400 only will do it). All thanks to our radical socialist leaders, and the apathetic public which allows them to rape taxpayers.

Joe Thompson, Gilroy

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