62.5 F
March 9, 2025

Tag: bobby sherman

Senior Insight: Elderly brightened by music

When I was a kid, I absolutely adored Davy Jones, the singer from the Monkees. I was so infatuated that I sulked through an entire vacation with my parents because everyone I knew was going to the Monkees concert in Boston that week while I was stuck on Cape Cod with my old (actually they were in their 30s) boring parents. I’d give my right arm for a vacation with my parents on Cape Cod about now, but that memory reminds me of the days when so many of us cherished our transistor radios as they played the latest songs by the Monkees, the Beatles, the Supremes, and so many others. Some of the staff here at Live Oak Adult Day Services couldn’t get through a day back then without a song by Elvis Presley or Bobby Sherman or Three Dog Night.

