49.6 F
March 13, 2025

Tag: business

What to bring to meeting with financial advisor

The financial planning process is not merely a matter of numbers. When you meet with a financial advisor to map out a strategy for wealth accumulation or wealth preservation, you may find yourself intellectually and emotionally engaged on a level you hadn't anticipated. It may actually give you a better understanding of what you want from life.

Red Phone: New directional signs are nice

“Dear Red Phone, Hello, I've noticed those new directional signs around Gilroy. I think they are really helpful for visitors. I was just wondering how many more signs they are going to put up.”

Morgan Hill Goodwill reopening in two weeks

Goodwill shoppers have likely noticed that the Morgan Hill store at 17630 Monterey Road has been closed with construction crews and equipment surrounding the building the last few days.

Legal status check at Mi Pueblo

Mi Pueblo Foods, the San Jose-based Hispanic grocery store chain with a location on First Street in Gilroy, recently began cross-checking the legal immigration status of new hires at the request of the federal government, invoking attacks from a local labor union.

Red Phone: Walmart a popular destination for theft

“Dear Red Phone, Why do people steal so much from Walmart? Seems like there's reports in the paper every week about people stealing all kinds of items, big and small, from Walmart. I hardly ever hear about thieves hitting up Target or Costco. Are their loss prevention people sleeping on the job? I guess if you want to steal, Walmart is the place to go.”

How Gilroy High fared at the County Fair

How Gilroy High fared at the Fair

Chamber forms committee to endorse business-friendly candidates

Gilroy small businesses owners are stepping up their role in local elections through the formation of a new political action committee that will endorse,...

In brief: Air Force band performing; supervisors appoint county counsel

U.S. Air Force Mobility band to perform July 1: The U.S. Air Force Band of the Golden West’s Mobility ensemble will play a free concert Sunday, July 1 in Morgan Hill.

Morgan Hill posts employee pay data

The city of Morgan Hill paid its 188 employees and elected officials about $18.6 million in total salaries and benefits in 2011.

Free job training online, at regional libraries

As the concept of community has moved beyond local to global and virtual, providing access and equitable space online is more important now than ever.

