49.1 F
March 30, 2025

Tag: christopher high school

Great idea to name rec pool after John Garcia

Four City Council members have saved the swimming recreation day for hundreds of children and families on the east side by voting to repair the South Valley Middle School swimming pool and keep recreation opportunities afloat. Community advocate Shawn Weymouth also floated a fabulous idea: name the pool after the late longtime city recreation department employee, coach and Gilroy community volunteer, John Garcia. Just thinking about the idea makes me smile, as I’m sure it does John. His family would be duly honored. Love the idea.

‘She’s going to do amazing things in her life’

High school is already an emotional roller coaster. For Christopher High School graduate Ashanti Clayton, moving from Bakersfield to Gilroy at the end of her sophomore year piled on the additional stresses of getting settled in a different school and establishing a new social circle.

Senior spotlights 2012

Selecting students for the Gilroy Dispatch’s annual senior spotlight honor is no enviable task. That’s why we make the principals do it. These students have navigated the daunting labyrinth of high school hurdles, and we are inspired by the drive, promise and optimistic outlook of these young men and women, who remind us that nothing is out of reach if you’re just willing to push yourself.

CMAP to set up shop at CHS

Christopher High School is getting hooked up with a sweet new campus connection for the next four years.

CHS senior awarded in Congressional art competition

Juliana Vanni, a senior at Christopher High School, was awarded "Best Digital Media" for a piece of artwork she submitted to the 2012 Congressional Art Competition. 

South Valley pool’s future treading water

Eastside neighborhood resident Jay Vasquez, 14, worked up a sweat playing basketball with a friend at the outdoor courts of South Valley Middle School late Friday afternoon. Vasquez said he's looking forward to the summer, when he can cool off by jumping into the pool at SVMS.

Birthday, baptism and music that’s contagious

Watched the Grammys and it proved that if you wait long enough everything will come back around ... even the Beach Boys and Paul McCartney. Though I'm not so sure those acts improved a ho-hum show this year. Tony Bennett, however, is another story. Born as Anthony Dominick Benedetto, he's 85, the voice is still crooningly clear and strong and his passion for the music is contagious. His Duets II album coming out soon is on my iTunes "buy it" list.

Simple way to let soldiers overseas know we care

It’s about 2,263 miles from Gilroy to Nashville, TN. That seems like another universe when you get a call from your daughter who’s in college telling you she’s been hit by a drunk driver in a car accident. Cayla’s OK, fortunately, getting over the sore and scary parts, the sirens, the ambulance and the late-night visit to the hospital. They arrested the guy on the spot. The officers told him to take his cowboy boots off before walking the line, he staggered around, fell, tossed the boots and failed, Cayla said. She had been studying for a pediatrics nursing test at a coffee shop and headed home when he smashed into her. Hug your kids, call them, tell them you love them and try to remember that life can change in an instant.

GUSD talks budget cuts, bullying, bad food

Somber expressions and serious talk marked a lengthy portion of the Gilroy Unified School Board meeting Thursday night, where trustees discussed "the dismantling of public education as we know it."

School board to discuss parcel tax, transportation

The Gilroy Unified School District has a jam-packed lineup slated for its Board of Education meeting Thursday.

