38.1 F
February 11, 2025

Tag: city council

City talks bullet train, Bracco’s eligibility for council

A high-speed rail through downtown Gilroy?

Plenty of regulations on smoking exist already

1. It’s very clear from the numbers that education is working

City to set sail with steady rise in sewer rates

Gilroy residents and business owners have until Monday to formally protest the city’s plans to raise sewer service rates more than 40 percent over the next five years – a necessary spike, officials say, that will fund anticipated rising costs in maintenance and wastewater operations.

Downtown dancing, truck routes on Council’s plate

A proposed sewer fee hike isn't the only item up for debate at Monday's 6 p.m. Gilroy City Council meeting.

City goofs on fence fines

A former developer fined more than $45,000 by the City of Gilroy stemming from an out-of-code barbed wire fence he built after suffering a brutal beating at his home in 2008 will only pay a fraction of that because the city misread its own municipal code and incorrectly charged him for a large portion of attorney fees.

Should the city of Gilroy’s Open Government Commission be comprised of...

• Both! I'd propose a two-year term for residents and a one-year rotation of councilmembers. I'd like to see results like: city checkbook posted on line; city blog for ongoing conversation; simple reporting of campaign donations; polls/reviews like the big citywide one that some departments have acted on; open conversation with residents about what the city could/should be doing.

