51.8 F
March 11, 2025

Tag: community pulse

Community Pulse: Supporting health care reform

Do you support President Obama's health care reform

Community Pulse: Paying prevailing wages

Did the City Council make the right choice, shunning 20 to 30%

Community Pulse: Close City Hall Fridays so employees can work in...

Should the Council vote to close City Hall to the public on

Community Pulse: Economy better than last year?

Do you feel better about the economy than you did last year at

Community Pulse: Evict homeless from ‘Bamboo Village’?

Should the Gilroy police force people in the homeless encampment

Community Pulse: Ban panhandling on medians?

Should the Gilroy City Council adopt a tough ordinance

Community Pulse: City retirement benefits danger to fiscal health?

Are public employee retirement benefits endangering the

Community Pulse: Fine owners of earthquake-unsafe buildings downtown?

Should the city impose heavy fines and liens on

Community Pulse: Fines on earthquake damaged buildings

Should the city impose heavy fines and liens on downtown

Teacher’s unions and their impact on education

Do you believe that teacher's unions have a positive impact on

