46.2 F
February 6, 2025

Tag: homeless

Supes approve $75.5M for affordable homes

The Santa Clara County Board of Supervisors on Feb. 8 approved the expenditure of $75.5 million for six new affordable housing projects that will...

Guest View, Stephanie Hernandez and Sarah Manjra: Advocate for the unhoused

Being a resident of Gilroy my entire life, it is disheartening to witness the growth of our homeless population over the past several years....

Committee gives ideas on tackling homelessness

A committee tasked with finding ways to address homelessness in Gilroy gave an update on its activities to the city council on April 19. The...

City: Christmas Hill Park is not becoming a homeless camp

Christmas Hill Park is not becoming a sanctioned homeless encampment, city officials responded March 19 after rumors began swirling on social media. “City Hall has...

Highway 101 homeless camp disperses

Homeless service providers helped residents of a growing encampment along Highway 101 move out of the area March 18 in anticipation of a cleanup...

Court to assess rape suspect’s mental health

At the March 14 hearing at the Morgan Hill courthouse, the judge granted a mental competency hearing based on PC1368. The next hearing is scheduled for 9am March 21 at the Hall of Justice in San Jose.

Gilroy businesses struggle with area’s homeless

The stabbing of a Gilroy restaurant owner by a homeless man in early January ignited new fears and frustrations among local business owners. Many...

Editorial: ‘Blessing Box’—compassion and controversy

There is a national phenomenon called Blessing Boxes that within the last year, fueled by social media, has exploded into hundreds of cities. The...

Guest Opinion: Gilroy needs more compassion

In the 2017 Point in Time homeless census count conducted on Jan. 24 and 25, 5,448 homeless individuals—including veterans, families with children, former foster...

Pinocchio suspect has record of attacks

“Frosty” Allmond, charged in the Jan. 6 stabbing of Pinocchio’s pizza restaurant owner Sal Oliveri, has a long history of homelessness, drug abuse—and knife...

