49 F
February 23, 2025

Tag: james pace

gilroy unified school district administration building camino arroyo

Gilroy school district certifies budget as cuts loom

The Gilroy Unified School District received a positive certification for its interim budget over the next year, meaning it will meet its financial obligations...

Hello and goodbye, school board members

After eight years serving as a trustee on the Gilroy Unified School District Board of Education, outgoing member Rhoda Bress, 62, received a heartfelt farewell and standing ovation from colleagues, friends and family as her second term came to a close Thursday evening.

Prop 30: ‘Make it personal’

Parent of three Cheryl Galloway put things into perspective from a student’s standpoint during a community forum Tuesday night on a proposed ballot initiative intended to help fund schools.

3 letters, including “Marketable historic downtown”

37 old buildings in downtown Gilroy make it a marketable historic district if we just do it

