45 F
February 23, 2025

Tag: jeff burrus

Gav trustee dies of brain trauma

Morgan Hill resident and Gavilan College trustee Mike Davenport, who suffered a severe head injury when he fell off the roof of his motor home nearly two weeks ago, died as a result of his injuries at San Jose Regional Medical Center today.

Gilroy coyote and the pack that’s after your wallet

Started my day Wednesday with a lone coyote, which I've seen before but never so close. On a chilly walk with the dogs backside of Christmas Hill Park, the coyote, like the one in the old roadrunner cartoons, sped by going a million miles an hour 25 yards ahead across our path. Dogs take chase. Coyote chasing rabbit. After a half mile, the coyote stopped, the dogs pulled up and headed back my way and the coyote forlornly bayed into the frosty dawn. He seemed to have lost his pack. Then, I cartoon kaboomed on the iced-over walkway next to the amphitheater and headed next for a meeting with MayorAl. Ah, never a dull Gilroy moment.

Cigar company reopens

The Morgan Hill Cigar Company reopened after the removal and unexpected demolition of many of the shop's key furniture and fixtures.

Police called over MH tobacco shop demolition

The owners of the Morgan Hill Cigar Company didn't expect to spend New Years Day making statements and submitting photographs to the police in order to stop what they alleged was a plunder of their business and destruction of city property. But that's what they did.

