59.5 F
July 16, 2024

Tag: liberty pcs

‘No room’ for illegal gambling in Gilroy, DA says

GILROY—The owner of the Gilroy Bizzness Center, which was closed down by police one week after opening its doors, has pleaded no contest in court to charges of illegal gambling nearly two years after the store was permanently shuttered.

Shut down gambling operation – again and again

Shut them down again – and again, and again, and again – if necessary.

UPDATED: Officers shut down Liberty PCS for a second time

An ongoing battle waging between the City of Gilroy and an “Internet cafe” the state Attorney General has called an “illegal gambling operation” took another turn shortly before 4 p.m. Aug. 22 at 1325 First St. in Hecker Pass Plaza.

Do you agree with the decision to conduct a police raid...

• Yes. Any illegal operation warrants a police raid.

2 letters: Virtual school option praised by parent; Kudos to the...

San Martin resident has great praise for ‘excellent’ online education program

2 letters: Uncalled for ‘militaristic raid’ by Gilroy police; Mayor Gage...

‘Militaristic raid’ by Gilroy police on alleged gambling business uncalled for

