58.9 F
February 24, 2025
merrill gardens, senior living in gilroy california

Tag: ly viet do

Genetics: Villain or savior for cancer patients

Cancer and genetics are a hard thing to wrap your head around. You see, some cancers have genetic links that increase your risk of getting certain types of cancers. Yet, genetic modifications to your immune system (where genes are modified and re-introduced to your body) show great promise in treating and perhaps curing some cancers.

Colon Cancer: What It Is, How It’s Diagnosed and How We...

Colon cancer is the catch-all name for cancer of the colon or rectum. The proper name for this disease is colorectal cancer.

June is Men’s Health/Cancer Awareness Month

June is Men’s Health/Cancer Awareness Month, and the week of June 7 to June 13 is National Men’s Health week. At the Cancer Care Institute, we want to educate men in our community about the most common cancer that afflicts them – prostate cancer.

National Cancer Control Month

April is National Cancer Control Month. It is dedicated to the men, women and children who have lost their lives to cancer, recognize. It is to support those Americans who are engaged in daily clinical and long-term research medicine for new and novel ways to battle cancer, and recommit the nation to progress further in the effective control of cancer.

5 Daily Habits to Help Prevent Cancer

February was National Cancer Prevention Month, even though it was last month, it seems a fitting place to begin our first column, a column that plans to discuss important issues in cancer awareness, prevention, diagnosis and treatment.

