54.3 F
March 11, 2025

Tag: peter arellano

$16 billion state deficit, watcha gonna do voters?

Let’s start right off the bat: Gov. Jerry Brown and his Band of Little Renown can take his more taxes plan and stuff it. I’m sick of the state government trying to bleed us dry, stealing tax money from our city government, closing down RDA entities to feed their spending habits and threatening the purse strings of our schools. The farther away the money gets, the less control we the taxpayers have over it.  Cut the state budget. Vote against every state incumbent, vote against every tax. Unfortunately, it’s at the point where I believe that’s what it’s going to take to shake the status quo up. California government is not serving us, the people who pay the taxes. California government, despite a $16 billion deficit, increases spending. Nobody in California has the guts to really wade in, apply common sense, accept the pain that goes with reality and change things. This quote, posted by OldMan64 on our website comment board, spoke volumes and, if the voters don’t do something drastic very soon, this state is going down the tubes. OldMan’s choice hammered it home: “The American Republic will endure until the day Congress discovers that it can bribe the public with the public’s money.” ~ Alexis de Tocqueville, ca. 1830. Vote them all out, vote against more taxes. Do it, and we might save our state and the American Republic.

Council to talk increasing landscaping services on Monday

City Council is gearing up for their meeting Monday night, where they will discuss a $115,000 budget amendment from the general fund to go toward landscape maintenance that will maintain Gilroy Sports Park at the southern edge of the city, which hasn’t been maintained by the city since 2009.

State politicians back mayoral candidate Arellano

Gilroy Councilman Peter Arellano has won the support of three Democratic state assemblymen in his campaign for Gilroy mayor. 

City updates councilman’s phone number on website

After a May 3 Dispatch story reported that Councilman Peter Arellano does not use his city-paid cell phone, the city website has since been updated to list his personal cell phone.

Hello? Councilman?

To contact Councilman Peter Arellano, go to the City of Gilroy website, hover the cursor over Arellano’s photo to find his city-paid cell phone number.

Woodward drops out of mayor race, backs Don Gage

Councilman Perry Woodward announced Thursday that he is no longer running for mayor, in light of former Gilroy Mayor Don Gage's decision to enter the race. 

South Valley pool’s future treading water

Eastside neighborhood resident Jay Vasquez, 14, worked up a sweat playing basketball with a friend at the outdoor courts of South Valley Middle School late Friday afternoon. Vasquez said he's looking forward to the summer, when he can cool off by jumping into the pool at SVMS.

Council considers strict sign rules, dealerships boggled

In the midst of a city-led crackdown on business signs, auto dealers are pleading with city council to let them advertise with balloons, flags and certain types of large signs – all which are currently illegal in Gilroy – saying that the law squelches business.  

Plus Peter and Don?

Two Garlic Capital natives who previously gave the public a solid “no” when asked if they would run for mayor in 2012 have re-opened the door of possibility, meaning Gilroy’s mayoral candidates could potentially double.

