Nearly 900 fortunate families were gifted a complete turkey dinner during St. Joseph’s Thanksgiving turkey drive last week.
David Cox, executive director at St. Joseph’s Family Center, said the center worked with local schools including Gavilan College to sign people up in the weeks preceding the drive. The food baskets were distributed on Tuesday, Nov. 20.
“We plan approximately two to three months in advance of the distribution, coordinating donations, volunteers, facility space,” said Cox.
The packages were robust and consisted of all kinds of traditional Thanksgiving food items including stuffing, cranberries, fresh vegetables, fruit, flour, vegetable oil, rice, beans, milk and tortillas.
Cox said St. Joseph’s offers another traditional holiday distribution before Christmas, for which he said eligible families can sign up until Dec. 16.
“The needs of those we serve are year-round, so technically, we are always doing drives, seeking donations, volunteer and financial support,” said Cox.
For more information about St. Joseph’s community work, visit stjosephsgilroy.org.