I’m writing this in response to Dennis Taylor’s column published
April 9 in The Dispatch.
After watching some of the negative and destructive so-called
peaceful anti-war, anti-Bush protests I was excited and happy that
Gilroy would be having a support our troops and commander-in-chief

I’m writing this in response to Dennis Taylor’s column published April 9 in The Dispatch.

After watching some of the negative and destructive so-called peaceful anti-war, anti-Bush protests I was excited and happy that Gilroy would be having a support our troops and commander-in-chief rally. I was hoping someone would organize one and before I knew it Mark Zappa stepped up to the plate.

I find it presumptuous that Mr.Taylor made the assumption that Mark’s intentions had a hidden political agenda by including support for President Bush at the rally. Its interesting to me how some people engage in these tactics. How in the world can they know what is going on in another person’s mind?

I also find his statement that Mark would trash the Constitution if it could advance his politics repugnant and simply untrue. Mark has shown me over the years by his actions that he is a true American patriot realizing that our Constitution is what has made this county as great and different from the other countries in this world.

By organizing this rally Mark showed us he had the guts to do it. The rally was an effort to support our troops and our president. It also was a way to show our appreciation to those who are willing to make the ultimate sacrifice for their country.

Regarding Mr. Taylor’s statement about the war being the result of a colossal diplomatic failure I say, you’re correct! Saddam Hussein failed miserably (by design) at diplomacy over the last 12 years up to and including his blatant disregard for the last United Nations resolution. President Bush’s administration put forth a great, lengthy effort to resolve the situation diplomatically to no avail.

As a result the United States campaign in Iraq was brilliantly planned, and is being executed, and will more than likely result in an unprecedented and historic military victory.

Now ask the liberated people of Iraq if they think the war is a colossal failure. Judging from the kisses on Marines cheeks, laughing, and dancing in the streets I’d say that portrays for them a future of hope and self determination.

By the way the rally was a great success. I’m not sure of the number but I was told there were approximately 200 to 300 people who attended. Additionally, it was very uplifting as most of the passing motorists honked their horns and waved in support as they drove by. Thanks Mark for your initiative and a very patriotic rally.

Doug Wilber, Gilroy

Submitted Saturday, April 12 to ed****@ga****.com

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