I am sure Mr. Gurries knows that he is endorsing a recent
defector (four months) from the Democratic Party and now a
libertarian or independent for mayor.
I am sure Mr. Gurries knows that he is endorsing a recent defector (four months) from the Democratic Party and now a libertarian or independent for mayor.
Mr. Pinheiro knew that he could no longer be a democrat if he was to be anointed by the “Power that runs Gilroy.”
Shame on you Mr. Gurries for sidestepping Ms. Hohenbrink who is a smart and loyal Republican. Mr. Pinheiro does not know what the words honesty, integrity and commitment mean.
He saw power and money and switched parties with the snap of “the good old boys fingers.”
Mr. Gurries, is anybody home upstairs? You must have forgotten that Mr. Pinheiro took the lead on the Redevelopment Agency that would take our property.
Now, to get your vote, he says he is sorry and will never do it again. Yeah right.
The word of a politician who recently changed parties and would sell his soul for a vote and developers’ money? – you’re an easy sell Mr. Gurries. Pinheiro must hold your insurance policies.
Why is he running for public office? Because it benefits him, his insurance business and his developer friends. The more Gilroy sprawls, the better for his pocket.
I am voting for Mary Hohenbrink for mayor, a true Republican and a woman of principle.
Martha Rivas, Gilroy
Submitted Friday, Oct. 31