music in the park, psychedelic furs

Readers taut Perry Woodward as a candidate who cares about
Gilroy residents, invite community members to get to know the
Muslims in South County, express concern about Israel’s influence
on U.S. policy and decry America’s lame duck president
Change Desperately Needed At City Hall: Perry Woodward an Excellent Candidate Who Cares About the Needs of Residents

Dear Editor,

I recently received in the mail a mailing from the Citizens for Woodard campaign. It asks for a contribution. In the past I never gave money to a candidate. I never felt that strongly about most of those running for political office. I will donate to the Woodward campaign.

I feel that strong about the change we need at City Hall. This is still a government of the people, by the people and for the people. I feel the current Council has lost that vision. I feel the current Council believes that they no longer answer nor listen to the people that elected them. I feel the current Council displays an arrogance that is unacceptable to the residents of Gilroy – residents that the Council are supposed to represent. I do not feel my interests are represented by this current Council. I for sure don’t need anyone, telling me what is best for me. Or to make me liable for something I had nothing to do with (tree-damaged sidewalks).

The current City Council was elected to do a job – represent my best interests and the interest of all the citizens of Gilroy. I don’t see that happening. But I do see them representing the city management of Gilroy quite well.

Perry Woodward ran for City Council several years back. I well remember the circumstances behind his decision to run. Myself and the Gilroy Police Officers Association were right in the middle of what was happening at the time. The termination of a police sergeant, and the GPOA’s successful efforts to replace the police chief.

Perry Woodward was a good candidate the last time he ran for a council seat, but I strongly believe that he is an excellent candidate this time around. The passage of time has matured him and he shows interest in a wide variety of issues. Please consider giving him your vote on Election Day.

Ray Hansell, Gilroy

Numerous Muslim Organizations in the U.S. Not Only Condemn Terrorism But Actively Work with Law Enforcement

Dear Editor,

While reading Andrew Serrano’s letter regarding building more Muslim mosques, I was surprised to read the inaccurate statement which claims that Muslims in America don’t condemn terrorism.

Several American Muslim organizations, such as American Muslim Alliance, the American Muslim Council, the Council on American-Islamic Relations, the Muslim Public Affairs Council, the Muslim American Society, the Islamic Society of North America, the Islamic Circle of North America, and the Muslim Alliance in North America have openly condemned terrorism.

The organizations that I listed represent millions of Muslims (approximately 7 million) in the U.S., which support these condemnations to the fullest.

Additionally, several Muslim communities in the U.S. are putting in great efforts to cooperate with law enforcement in order to ensure a safe environment for their families and the surrounding communities.

To say that Muslims in the U.S. don’t condemn terrorism is promoting just another myth about Muslims and Islam, and I am offended to see someone make false claims about the whole Muslim community and sow fear and panic among people. I suggest Mr. Serrano have an open mind and learn about his Muslim neighbors.

Mariam Moustafa, Irvine

Israel a Real Political Stumbling Block for U.S. in the Middle East

Dear Editor,

I was recently sent an email by a political group seeking to impeach Vice President Dick Cheney. I was shocked until I learned that plans are underway to invade Iran.

Our national and local media seems to parrot our present administration’s plans and goals in a way that scares me. The “impeach Cheney” efforts seemed extreme, but I have noticed the drumbeat towards more war in Iran building in the media. Nuclear energy in Iran is always a good news story, but nobody ever mentions the fact that Israel has WMDs including atomic weaponry.

Speaking of Israel, why is it that that country is untouchable by the media or our own Congress? Jimmy Carter noted in his recent book “Palestine, Peace not Apartheid” that it is “political suicide” to criticize Israel. We give them billions each year, but fear the charge of “anti-Semitism” if we dare say a word of mild reproach.

After years of my own research, I think that the U.S. and Israel have become far too close in terms of foreign policy. Their goals have become our goals by some mysterious and deep connection unlike any other existing with any other country in the world. This is not healthy for either of us.

A recently retired CIA high level official bluntly said all we need to know about the current Mideast crisis we’re enmeshed in is in the acronym “OIL”. Oil, Israel, Land. We obviously want oil and military bases, and Israel is the central issue.

I believe we need to step back and consider the region as a whole, and not just Israel’s welfare and future.

Barry Wright, Gilroy

Lame Duck President Mired In Failed Policies Which Are Destructive

Dear Editor,

President Bush is in fantasy land again! Now he is a big mouth, without a big stick, blasting Iraq, threatening war and citing nuclear holocaust. What? Another fear lecture – we get it, we’re scared, but who cares? This is America we will overcome it and protect ourselves.

“Yes the people, we the people we are the ones who rule not George W. Bush. He is a lame duck now that he stands alone, no more Rove no more Gonzales no Miers, no more Brown, those people were incompetent and not really leaders and neither is George W. Bush.

No matter who you are or what side of the line you’re on, this administration, if you can call it that, has been late or lying or just plain stupid. If the economy is so strong, why is everything so unstable?

Our army is weak, we’re tired … disaster, after disaster, come on people who is really in charge? Cheney years ago, said don’t invade Iraq. Outrageous! Forget 9-11, it only changed some things, we need to be safer.

Is James Fennel right on this issue, is Viarengo? We’ll see, but I doubt it. President Bush is the one to look out for, watch out for him!

Daniel Garcia, Gilroy

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