Although this guy’s weird behavior makes me sick, I’m not sure
what to do about it. Should I bring this to the attention of human
Although this guy’s weird behavior makes me sick, I’m not sure what to do about it. Should I bring this to the attention of human resources?
Yes, you should immediately have a confidential talk with your HR manager. Your colleague’s devious behavior is both appalling and a little frightening.
His suspiciousness, combined with a growing “enemies list,” may indicate paranoid tendencies. If he feels betrayed, he could decide to seek revenge. So when you report his clandestine activities, ask the HR manager not to reveal your name.
If you fear that HR may fail to protect your identity, describe the situation in an anonymous note. Although unsigned complaints are often disregarded, management is unlikely to ignore this one.
I was laid off almost a year ago. Although I have many talents and a good work history, I can’t seem to find a job. I keep sending out resumes, but often receive no response at all. When I do have an interview, I get a standard rejection letter that says my credentials are impressive, but they are looking for other candidates. I really, really need a job. What more can I do?
Because the job market is very tough right now, you’re likely to face stiff competition for any opening. Although you can’t change the economy, you may be able to improve your job search process.
First, target specific positions for which you are clearly qualified. Responding to ads indiscriminately will only waste your time.
Next, learn how to craft an enticing resume. Remember that the sole purpose of a resume is to get an interview. If no one is responding, then your resume needs to do a better sales job.
Develop an organized networking process. Most job-seekers hate networking, but the smart ones do it anyway.
They know that the best job leads are usually found though personal contact.
With persistent networking and an appealing resume, you will eventually get interviews.
An interview invitation means that you have met the basic qualifications. Having passed that test, you now need to close the deal.
To ace an interview, you must first do your homework.
“Homework” includes learning effective interview techniques, practicing with sample questions, and researching each prospective employer. Thorough preparation is the key to success.
When jobs are in short supply, available positions will go to the applicants who master these skills.
Fortunately, many books and Web sites offer very specific instruction. One source of free job search advice is our own Web site,