Dear Editor:
I just finished reading Denise Baer Apuzzo’s column regarding
the honors program at Gilroy High School.
Dear Editor:
I just finished reading Denise Baer Apuzzo’s column regarding the honors program at Gilroy High School. Although I support the offering of honors classes to qualified students, I really find Ms. Apuzzo’s assumption that every student who does not fit her stereotype of a high-achieving student as hopeless and a waste of the district’s time very offensive.
Is she suggesting we just write off every 14-year-old child that does not “test” at grade level as being lame and underachieving? I would hope in her quest to provide her child with a quality education, she also teaches her daughter to have a little compassion and learn to accept the diversity of different levels of learning and talent.
Maybe one of those students she is so quick to write off is more skilled in an area Ms. Apuzzo has never considered. Perhaps in addition to her honors classes, her daughter could volunteer to tutor a needy student. Wouldn’t that be a great community contribution and maybe teach her daughter about “giving back”?
If she would only open her mind a little more, she might avoid being labeled an “elitist” by those who are insulted by her narrow view. A little more acceptance might prepare her daughter for the changing world.
Sharon Flanagan, Gilroy
Thursday, Nov. 14 to ed****@ga****.com