Dear Editor:
I am responding to another misguided article written Dennis
Taylor on March 10. Dennis you are a hypocrite. As usual you are
attacking religion, stating that it is the church that does not
want you to have access to the library because you might start to
think on your own.
Dear Editor:
I am responding to another misguided article written Dennis Taylor on March 10. Dennis you are a hypocrite. As usual you are attacking religion, stating that it is the church that does not want you to have access to the library because you might start to think on your own.
That is the most moronic thing I have ever heard. Wasn’t it a few weeks ago you asked if while we where in church to think about Super Wal-Mart moving into Gilroy. So, I can theorize that when you want to “use” the church you can either be for or against it depending on how YOU want people to think.
You also said that “Restricting access to libraries will only serve to further disenfranchise people who already believe success and the American Dream are only for people named Walker and Taylor.” I believe, you think very highly of yourself to assume YOU are the American Dream, YOU are far from it. You see I have figured you liberals out, you don’t want religion because religion is a guideline for human decency and will make us “God fearing” so when we pass on to the Great Beyond we will be judged on how we led our lives while walking the earth.
You don’t want this, you as most liberals support a secular agenda, where there is no God in the Pledge of Allegiance.
Well, I cannot speak for all religions, but I can for Roman Catholics, I attended 12 years of Catholic schools with four years at a Roman Catholic Jesuit College Prep School in New York. I was encouraged to ask questions, read constantly and not just the Bible, by my senior year I, as many of my classmates had, read the Bible (in English and Latin), the Koran, The Bhagavad Gita, the writings of Mao Tse-tung, Karl Marx, Siddhartha Gautama, Nietzsche, Aristotle, and Thomas Aquinas as well as many others. As a young man I may have lost touch with my chosen religion but never questioned my faith and how religion does serve a greater good in society more than you liberals would like it to, and I don’t mean Christianity but any religion that shows us how to be compassionate to our fellow man. Let’s face it Mr. Taylor if I did not have my religion I could easily loathe you and people like you, and although it sometimes is difficult I will “turn the other cheek” to you, and pray for people who think like you in church.
William J. Flow, Gilroy
Submitted Wednesday, March 10 to ed****@ga****.com