Community Pulse: Pension costs
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Are government worker pension costs out of control in

Are government worker pension costs out of control in California?

Yes:11 No: 0

â–  Yes, for city workers such as police and firefighters it is not just out of control, but egregious.. It is wrong to bankrupt a city through their plans, and they need to be flexible and more forward thinking about the effect of their current benefit package. What other employee group gets such a reward? Most employees have a shared retirement plan, not a total “give me.” Also, the other bankrupting practice is the idea that “sick time” is theirs, so they end up cashing that in before retiring. It is a system that is breaking the public’s back, but for some reason these employee groups truly believe that they are more special than the average citizen.

â–  It sure seems like it for certain groups of employees. I also don’t understand why the taxpayers are left holding the bag when CALPERS underperforms.

â–  In a word, yes. Again, government workers have a better deal than most of the taxpayers who fund their benefits. To get our budget under control, we must get pensions under control.

â–  Yes. Simply put, pensions are unsustainable and must go the way of the dinosaurs!

â–  It depends upon which government workers’ pensions one refers to, but in general, pensions costs are increasing faster than the public’s ability to pay.

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