Is $500K too much to spend to buy and install 91 signs to direct
visitors downtown and to local attractions?
Is $500K too much to spend to buy and install 91 signs to direct visitors downtown and to local attractions?
Yes: 6 No: 2
â– Yes, if publically funded; no if privately funded.
â– Who knows? At $5,500 per sign (depending upon size, electronics, and permanency), it’s difficult to weigh that cost with a survivalist-mentality downtown and anemic public attractions.
â– No. This is a comprehensive wayfinding system, not simply directional signs. The designs are intended to create a sense of community and presence. Additionally, most of the resources needed will be funded other than by the City.
■Yes – I sure hope we use a local vendor!
â– YES, it’s too much. What does downtown have to advertise in any amount?
â– $500K seems pretty high but what public project isn’t? If funding does come from private sources and grant funds, the people/organizations/programs that pony up the money will have thought the project worthwhile and beneficial.
â– Yes. It would be nice if our downtown was worthy of the directing that the proposed signs would be providing for visitors. It’s time to step up the renovating and get those storefronts cleaned up and occupied on Monterey Street.
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