music in the park, psychedelic furs

Show your Mustang pride
– The Mustang Pride Committee, a group of parents and educators
working to instill community and school pride at the high school,
is asking interest-ed GHS alumni to attend a meeting Wed-nesday,
March 26.
Show your Mustang pride

GILROY – The Mustang Pride Committee, a group of parents and educators working to instill community and school pride at the high school, is asking interest-ed GHS alumni to attend a meeting Wed-nesday, March 26. The group is looking to generate a list of alumni and ideas for supporting the students, faculty and alumni of Gilroy High.

“The possibilities are endless, but we want to see where the interest is,” co-organizer Rhoda Bress said.

The session will be held in the GHS library at 7 p.m. For more information, contact Jackie Stevens at 848-3922 or Bress at 848-5870.

Fill a child’s Easter basket

GILROY – The “Easter Bonnets and Baskets” celebration is a popular event with both needy clients of St. Vincent de Paul and energized volunteers. On the day of the event, volunteers contribute refreshments and help clients select free new clothing for their families. Other volunteers lead game and craft activities with the children, including face-painting, basket-making and egg decorating.

St. Vincent de Paul needs volunteers to host the event at its Gilroy location, 7680 Monterey St., on Saturday, April 5 . The public is also invited to make donations, such as new clothing, new shoes, new socks and undergarments, as well as baskets, candies or dental hygiene items. Monetary donations can be mailed to PO Box 5579, San Jose CA 95150-5579 and items may be dropped off at St. Vincent de Paul. Anyone who would like to volunteer should call Grace Ward at 842-5524. The event takes place from 10 a.m. to

2 p.m.

Swim with the Gators

GILROY – The Gilroy Gators Swim Team is holding its annual swim clinic and tryouts from 5 to 6 p.m. Monday through Friday, March 24 to 28 at the Gilroy High School pool. Swimmers must be between the ages of 5 and 18 and know how to swim. Registration is $20 can be done at the pool office between 5 and 6 p.m. Monday through Friday until March 21. For more information, call Kelly Kramer at 842-8975.

Be a star

GILROY – STAR TV, an after-school performers workshop, is seeking participants for Spring 2003. All talented young actors, singers and dancers, ages 9 to 14 are invited to participate in STAR TV. Julianne Palma will produce and direct this brand-new, exciting and dynamic kids TV show. The best of the best will be seen on Cable Channel 18. The fee for this class is $225. The class is at Gavilan College TV Studio, LI 140. The section runs from March 24 to May 21, Mondays and Wednesdays from 3:15 to

5:15 p.m. Details: 847-2514.

Buyers and sellers get ready

GILROY – The flea market will come to downtown Gilroy the third Saturday of every month starting on Saturday, April 19. The event will take place at the Lewis Street parking lot, at the corner of Monterey and Lewis streets. Spaces are 9 feet wide by 20 feet deep. Set up is from 7 to 8:30 a.m. and the market continues until 3 p.m. The fee is $20 per space. Vendors must supply their own tables, chairs, umbrellas, etc. and are responsible for trash cleanup in their own space. Details:


‘Let’s murder Marsha’ opens

MORGAN HILL – Pintello Comedy Theater will present “Let’s Murder Marsha,” a clever comedy of mistaken inten-tions, through April 19. Performances will take place at 8 p.m. on Friday and Saturday nights at 8531 Church St. To reserve a place at the table-seating, e-mail pi******@ga****.com or call

776-8004. All seats are $15.

Young artists show  

GILROY – Gilroy Community Services is sponsoring the Young Artists Show, featuring the work of local artists age 5 to 18, through Friday, March 21. The exhibit is at the Willey Cultural Center, 140 Fifth St., and is open from 3 to 6 p.m. Friday. Details: 846-0460.

Spaghetti dinner

MORGAN HILL – The teachers at Morgan Hill Country School and friends of Katy Tamura, who died at Stanford Hospital while awaiting a liver transplant, are hosting a spaghetti dinner Friday, March 28, to benefit a trust fund for her two children. Tamura was a teacher in Morgan Hill for more than 20 years.

The dinner will be held in the gym at the Morgan Hill Country School between 5 and 7 p.m. Take-out dinners are also available between 4 and 5 p.m. Adult meals are $10, children’s meals are $5. Take-out dinners are $10 each. There will also be music, dancing and games to honor Tamura. People wishing to attend should make checks payable to Tamura Spaghetti Dinner and mail to Tamura Spaghetti Dinner, Morgan Hill Country School, 105 John Wilson Way, Morgan Hill, CA 95037. The number of adult and children tickets requested should be included with the check, as well as a preference to join us for the meal or take-out. Tickets will be available for pickup at the event. Details: 782-7177, Ext. 116.

Stop smoking!

MORGAN HILL – Community Solutions is holding free classes and assistance to stop smoking at El Toro Youth Center, 17620 Crest Ave. at 6 p.m. Session one which focuses on motivation to quit, identifying triggers and situations, withdrawal symptoms and setting a quit date will be held on Thursday, April 3. Session two which focuses on the do’s and don’t’s of quitting will be held Thursday, April 10. A certificate is given upon completion. Details: 779-6002.

Caltrain to change fares?

SAN JOSE – The Caltrain board will hold a public hearing Thursday, April 3 to discuss proposed changes to the fare structure and the proposal to move Caltrain to a proof-of-payment system, which would eliminate onboard ticket sales. Other proposed changes include: day passes would be replaced by round-trip tickets, ticket validators would be required with 10-ride tickets and one-way tickets would be valid for reduced periods (three hours for example). The public hearing comes after a nine-month fare study and three public meetings held in San Francisco, San Mateo and Santa Clara counties.

Many of the improvements are based on recommendations taken from passenger focus groups hosted by the rail agency.

The public hearing will begin at 10 a.m. and will be held at Caltrain’s headquarters at 1250 San Carlos Ave. in San Carlos. Details:

‘High Card Johnny’ speaks

HOLLISTER – San Benito County Historical Society’s monthly general meeting will welcome “High Card Johnny” De Ceasare as guest speaker. As an interpreter of Western America and its gambling circa 1830 to 1880, he will lecture on various methods used in gaming throughout the Old West. Various displays will be exhibited. There will be time for questions and answers. The meeting will be held on Wednesday, March 26 at

7:30 p.m. at Dunne Park Club House, West and Sixth streets. Refreshments will be served. The event is of no charge to the public. Details: (831) 635-0335.

News Items: Please fax local news items to City Editor Jodi Engle at 842-2206, e-mail to ed****@ga****.com or mail to 6400 Monterey St. Gilroy.

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