Garlic Queen visits St. Mary’s
– Vanessa LaCorte, the 2002 Gilroy Garlic Festival Garlic Queen
paid a visit to her alma mater, St. Mary’s School, Tuesday.
Garlic Queen visits St. Mary’s
GILROY – Vanessa LaCorte, the 2002 Gilroy Garlic Festival Garlic Queen paid a visit to her alma mater, St. Mary’s School, Tuesday. She wanted to return to show how the school gives students the opportunity to grow and be successful adults, said Vicki Brinkman, development director at St. Mary’s. While serving as queen she has given back to her community and gained confidence, Brinkman said.
LaCorte spent two and a half hours on campus visiting classes, answering questions, reading stories and even helping students correct work.
After graduating from St. Mary’s in 1998, LaCorte went on to Notre Dame High School and currently attends St. Mary’s college in Moraga.
Commuter rail service from Gilroy?
HOLLISTER – The Council of San Benito County Governments is considering a proposal that would extend Caltrain commuter rail service from Gilroy to Hollister.
To help fund the possible extension, COG staff is holding discussions with Federal Transit Administration representatives about receiving nearly $1 million in start-up funding.
The funds, if approved, would be used to pay for the costs of preliminary engineering, environmental studies and other project reports or studies needed to pull the proposal forward.
The FTA advised COG to work with Santa Clara’s Valley Transportation Authority, the agency which oversees Caltrain, to help plan the proposed extension to Hollister.
“They suggested we join with the VTA as part of a Joint Powers Board,” said Lisa Berg, a transportation planner with COG.
Officials said VTA has the expertise required to help local officials with the proposal for the rail extension.
If the extended rail line becomes a reality, officials said they would need the VTA’s help, at least at first, in operating the rail line.
Some of the reports the grant would fund include a list of alternatives on the number and size of station stops and the types of bridge crossings.
COG is scheduled to take up the issue of accepting the grant at its April 24 meeting.
Rotary holds flower sale
GILROY – The Goldsmith Seeds and Gilroy Rotary Club flower sale will take place on Saturday, April 19, from 8 a.m. to noon or until all the annuals, perennials, hanging baskets and more are gone. Credit cards won’t be accepted, wagons are OK but don’t bring strollers. The event will take place at Goldsmith Seeds Greenhouse, 2280 Hecker Pass Highway. All proceeds support local charities. Details: 847-7333.
College bound fresh mex style
GILROY – Join Chevy’s fund raiser event to raise money for a college scholarship program for graduates at Mt. Madonna. Chevys will donate 20 percent to the program. Enjoy lunch or dinner on Tuesday, April 22, at the restaurant, 8440 Murray Ave. Customers must put their receipts in the fund raiser box at the host stand to receive credit. Call 847-2726 to reserve a seat.
News Items: Please fax local news items to City Editor Jodi Engle at 842-2206, e-mail to ed****@ga****.com or mail to 6400 Monterey St. Gilroy.