music in the park, psychedelic furs

Chitactac Family Day

Gilroy – Chitactac Family Day at Chitactac-Adams Heritage County Park, 10001 Watsonville Road, will be held Saturday, beginning at 10am. Families are invited to a special day of free hands-on activities, traditional crafts, and celebration of the native Ohlone people who once lived at this ancient village site.

Details: 323-0107.

Find a loving pet

Gilroy – The Friends of San Martin Animal Shelter need help. Come to the FOSMAS pet fairs Saturday and Sunday, from noon to 5pm, at Petco-Morgan Hill; and at Petco-Gilroy, where many kittens will be available.

Details: 681-3788 or

Give blood and

save lives

Gilroy – A blood drive will be held Thursday, July 20, from 1:30 to 6:30pm, at First Baptist Church Hall, 8455 Wren Ave.

Details: 1-800-GIVE-LIFE or

Enjoy a bike ride along Coyote Creek

Gilroy – Ride a bike along the Coyote Creek Trail Saturday, from 9 to 11am. Docent Ken Halsey of ROMP (Responsible Organized Mountain Pedalers) will instruct beginner bike riders how to ride safely, make simple repairs and keep bikes in good working order.

Ages 12 through adult. Participants under 18 must be accompanied by parent or guardian. Meet at the Hellyer County Park Visitor Center with a bike, helmet and water. There is a $5 parking fee for vehicles, no fee for bike-ins.

Details: 355-2255.

Kids eat for free this summer

Gilroy – All children ages one through 18 are invited to eat for free this summer at Glen View Elementary and South Valley Middle schools beginning Monday and ending July 21. Breakfast will be served from 7:25 to 7:55am and lunch from noon to 12:30pm.

All meals, which are provided through the federal free lunch program, must be consumed on campus. Parents are welcome and may purchase breakfast for $1.25 and lunch for $2.25. South Valley is located at 385 IOOF Ave. and Glen View is located at 600 W. Eighth St.

Details: Alane Webb at 848-7147.

Send news items to City Editor Robert Airoldi. FAX to 842-2206, mail to Gilroy Dispatch, 6400 Monterey Road, Gilroy, CA 95020, or e-mail ed****@ga****.com.

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