Dear Editor:
Please give poor children an opportunity to experience the joy
of reading!
Dear Editor:
Please give poor children an opportunity to experience the joy of reading! St. Joseph’s Family Center is gathering new and gently used books to give to children at our Christmas Sharing Program. When it is a struggle to buy food for the table, books are not in the family budget.
So we are asking the help of the Gilroy community. If your children have outgrown some of their books or if you have a new book you would like to donate, please bring your books to Gilroy Coffee and Tea (corner of Monterey and Fifth Street), the Gilroy Library, City Hall (Employee’s Lounge), or Gilroy Presbyterian Church by Dec. 17.
Thank you, Gilroy! You are great!
Charlie Clark, Gilroy, President, Board of Directors
Submitted Wednesday, Dec. 4 to ed****@ga****.com