After suffering through auto transmission and home plumbing repairs, my summer vacation budget is woefully low. I might be able to swing a day trip to Milpitas or San Martin, but only if I stick to ramen or peanut butter sandwiches for the next month or two. As every family I know seems to be heading out on the open road, I fantasize about my dream vacation—a trip to Egypt. It is probably not one of the destinations that the State Department cheerfully recommends to tourists these days, but I have always been fascinated by the ancient Egyptians. What a sight it must be to gaze upon the pyramids at sunset, or to walk in the footsteps of Howard Carter, who uncovered the wonders hidden deep inside the tomb of King Tut. Between the political unrest of the area and my legendary anxiety regarding flying (turbulence!), a trip to Egypt is probably not in the cards for me anytime soon.

I love hearing about some of the past travel experiences of our seniors here at Live Oak Adult Day Services. It is predictable that when they tell us about the glories of Paris or Honolulu, my first question is always, “How was the plane flight? Any turbulence?” They roll their eyes, but kindly indulge my quirks. Ramon has always dreamed of going to Hawaii. Photos have enticed him, but health issues got in the way of an actual trip. Randy and Susan also mention Hawaii as their dream destination, Randy specifically to feast his eyes on bathing beauties on the beach. Susan would also love to go to England and Switzerland, the homelands of her parents. She has never had the opportunity to visit the locations she heard them talk of so fondly during her childhood. Greg wistfully recalls a trip he made to Puerto Vallarta many years ago, having thoroughly enjoyed the white beaches, the music and the great food. Paul opts for the opposite climate, hoping he can make it back to Alaska someday. A trip there many years ago left many indelible memories of snow, glaciers and fantastic salmon fishing. Marie visited Europe so long ago that she doesn’t remember the exact year, but she didn’t get her fill of castles and art museums. Then Cathy pipes up that she doesn’t need a dream vacation, because she is happy wherever she finds herself.

That positive attitude inspires me to watch “The Mummy” and read a book about the ancient Egyptian pharaohs. I may not get to the actual locations, but I can still dream. Just in case Marie, and Randy, and Ramon and all the other seniors here don’t have their dream trip in the works, I think we’ll have a Hawaii Day here at the center this summer so we can learn to hula, make those cheesy volcanoes that erupt with baking soda and vinegar, and munch on coconut or pineapple. Then we’ll have Alaska Day, perhaps with a gold-panning lesson, a visit from a husky dog and a taste of Baked Alaska. Maybe Switzerland Day or England Day will follow. We can refer to them as virtual field trips!

You’ll find us here at Live Oak this summer, as usual, but in our minds we’ll be sunning on Waikiki, gliding along the glaciers with our sled dogs, or braving the threatening avalanches as we scale the Alps. And if they finally build a really long bridge, I’ll be driving to Egypt and sending back some great postcards of the pyramids at sunset.

Cheryl Huguenor is the program director at Live Oak Adult Day Services, 651 W. Sixth St. #2, Gilroy.  For more information call (408) 847-5491 or visit

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