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Group pushes for timely effort at cleanup of groundwater
By Slav Kandyba – Special to the dispatch


It doesn’t hurt to ask.

With that in mind, a community effort pushing for a timely cleanup of a 10-mile groundwater perchlorate plume stretching from Morgan Hill to Gilroy took one step closer to its goal.

The Perchlorate Community Advisory Group presented a letter to the staff of the California Regional Water Quality Control Board, Central Region on Thursday evening during a regularly scheduled meeting at the San Martin Lions Club with comments and suggested revisions to the draft Cleanup Order. The document will be up for approval Dec. 7 at CRWQCB’s meeting in San Luis Obispo.

The letter’s intent is to speed up the cleanup process. Missouri-based Olin Corp. is responsible for the contamination stretching south of Morgan Hill, where the company operated a road flare plant for 39 years.The order calls for Olin to implement “all necessary investigation and remedial actions” in the affected area.

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