Dear Editor,
Have you ever seen an earthworm on the sidewalk hours after a
heavy rain?
The annelid’s earthen home, flooded by water, forces the animal
to the surface. Upon reaching the concrete sanctuary, it is picked
off by the early bird perched above.
Dear Editor,

Have you ever seen an earthworm on the sidewalk hours after a heavy rain?

The annelid’s earthen home, flooded by water, forces the animal to the surface. Upon reaching the concrete sanctuary, it is picked off by the early bird perched above.

I’m wondering if Alan Viarengo is feeling the merit pay water lapping at his oxygen-deprived skin?

In his March 7 letter to the editor, Mr. Viarengo attributes merit pay rewards to those teachers who can be weeded out by his ANOVA evaluation system.

Mr. Wayne Scott, AP statistics instructor at the high school, logically picked apart Viarengo’s futile attempt in awarding merit pay via statistically driven evaluations.

Though Mr. Viarengo states he never mentions the governor’s merit pay initiative, the reason for the current Dispatch discourse is precisely because of his belief in a merit pay system, whatever that might be. He has not yet explained how his merit pay system would work.

With his earthen world flooded with facts, reasoning and logic, Mr. Viarengo attempts to slither out of his merit pay hole by supporting Schwarzenegger’s other ill-conceived reform initiatives, one of which has already been pulled due to low poll ratings and poor wording. Are the other initiatives close behind?

Mr. Viarengo, watch out for that bird perched in the tree.

Dale Morejón, Gilroy

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