Two passing thoughts:
1) Ahhh, P. A. Jones (whoever he/she may be), you’ve laid a
heavy burden on Mayor Al Pinheiro. Do you truly think he’ll be
able, as mayor, to hold the torch of free speech and democracy as
high as did former Mayor Tom Springer?
Two passing thoughts:
1) Ahhh, P. A. Jones (whoever he/she may be), you’ve laid a heavy burden on Mayor Al Pinheiro. Do you truly think he’ll be able, as mayor, to hold the torch of free speech and democracy as high as did former Mayor Tom Springer?
When you write (Letters – Nov. 14) “… we can get back to Americanism, real democracy and the thoughtful, mindful consensus-building, open door philosophy of Mayor-elect Al Pinheiro. The chill on free speech and democracy this fascist created is gone!” When, throughout his Planning Commission/City Council duties, did Mr. Springer cause a “chill on free speech and democracy” that you should call him a fascist?
Certainly your expectation level toward this new administration can be fulfilled if Pinheiro, in your judgment, can go from “fascist” level creating “Americanism, real democracy and the thoughtful, mindful consensus-building, open-door philosophy” for all Gilroy residents. He is, however, following in the footfalls of Tom Springer, the man who personified the openness of politics, the freedom for all citizens to be heard – a believer/advocate/practitioner of democracy in its truest form.
It’s a powerful challenge you’ve issued our new mayor, P. A. Jones. To hold the torch of democracy and free speech as high, if not higher, than Tom Springer did while, at the same time, guiding this community to “… Americanism, real democracy and the thoughtful, mindful consensus-building (via an) open-door philosophy.”
I believe Pinheiro can carry that burden, P. A. Jones. After all, he’s had a grand example for the four years: Tom Springer, Gilroy’s best advocate of free speech and democracy for all.
2) Dennis Taylor!!! Remember Oct. 1? You said I and other thinking residents have “been filling these (Dispatch) pages for years with anti-government…anti-civil rights, anti-choice and anti-gay rights views.” I responded to ask (Letters – Oct. 13): “When Dennis? I returned to California in December 1998. That gives you a reasonable period of time through the Dispatch files to bring up one letter I’ve written that’s ‘anti-civil rights, anti-choice and anti-gay rights.'”
It’s been more than a month since I wrote, Dennis. Where are those “incriminating letters” – date and text? I’m waiting for proof of your mudslinging charges!
James Brescoll, Gilroy
Submitted Wednesday, Dec. 3