music in the park, psychedelic furs

• Invest in spring and your garden by planting bulbs, shrubs,
perennials and more.
• Set out bait to protect new plantings from snail and slug

• Invest in spring and your garden by planting bulbs, shrubs, perennials and more.

• Set out bait to protect new plantings from snail and slug damage.

• Divide perennials this month for a great show of color next year.

• Choose trees for colorful foliage through the winter months. Stop by your favorite garden center to see their selections. Now’s the time for the best choices.

Fall landscape tips

Get your feed on

Give all the plants in your garden a last chance for a nice, deep feeding this year before the dormant season is upon us. Fruit trees can use a shot of triple 12 fertilizer to provide stored energy for next year’s performance. Shrubs and trees need a feeding of a good general fertilizer, azaleas, camellias and rhododendrons should be fertilized with 0-10-10 to support flowering season in the spring.

The stakes are high

Check tree stakes and rose stakes. High winter winds can damage trees in improperly staked.

Water, water everywhere

Water plants in containers, under eaves, and other forgotten corners.

Tooling along

Check garden tools for repairs or replacing before storing for the winter months. Sharpen and oil blades for winter pruning chores.

Take the lawn road

Fertilize the lawn once more. Do any renovation work before the end of the month, as the weather cools so does the soil.

You rake, you

Rake and remove all spent blossoms from under camellias so that over-wintering diseases cannot be carried back into the plants on the wind.

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