music in the park, psychedelic furs

To the editor, A few comments about the Sept. 12 article “Agri·tourist vote may hurt incumbents.”

The group that calls itself “Gilroy Growing Smarter” is limiting its ability to get any smarter. According to the article, if any candidate voted against or opposed measure H or the agri-tourism project, “Gilroy Growing Smarter” is refusing to hear their reasoning. Consequently, they are going to hold a forum for only those candidates who rubber stamp their position. No dissenters will be tolerated or listened to.

Marie Blankley and Dan Hamey are two sitting councilmembers mentioned in the article. They didn’t totally rubber stamp “Gilroy Growing Smarter” positions, so they are not to be heard from. Each of these two are running for re-election, one for two-year term and one for four years.

Your article also mentions two recent homeowners who don’t want the agri·tourism project in their neighborhood. They understandably are solely interested in their situation. The requirement for council members is to have a much broader perspective.

Dan Harney and Marie Blankley are exceptional members of the current council. Each one was selected to fill a vacancy after intelligent and broad questioning by sitting council members. Each one of them has excellent qualifications, judgment and a sincere desire to help the City of Gilroy.

It would help those who feel they are “Growing Smarter” to listen to the reasoning and ideas of Marie Blankley and Dan Harney.

When voters see Dan Harney and Marie Blankley on their ballots, they should vote for each of them. They often don’t agree with each other, but I like them both. Dan Harney and Marie Blankley have only one agenda: work for the entire City of Gilroy.

Ronald Gurries

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