music in the park, psychedelic furs

Dear Editor:
First came the Committee for Responsible Development, claiming
itself more knowledgeable and insightful of Gilroy’s needs than
those elected to fulfill those needs. When it couldn’t bully,
intimidate, coerce nor dictate City Council positions, it went
Dear Editor:

First came the Committee for Responsible Development, claiming itself more knowledgeable and insightful of Gilroy’s needs than those elected to fulfill those needs. When it couldn’t bully, intimidate, coerce nor dictate City Council positions, it went away.

It returned – as Gilroy First. The Dispatch reported (Gilroy leaders form grassroots group – July 21). Leaders? Who? Its featured “supporters” include one meaningless Council member, Peter Arellano; two used-to-be Council members, Connie Rogers and Guadalupe Arellano; one “I so-wanna-be a Council member” small Paul Correa, and now Council candidate Shawn Weymouth.

Their nonsense remains: the intention to force their myopic views on all Gilroy. They don’t publicly admit they exist. Dispatch writer Eric Leins (Should Wal-Mart do an economic impact study? – July 31) reports “Citizens with concerns … roughly two dozen citizens met with a Gilroy city planner … to discuss potential impacts from the Wal-Mart project. Issues raised by citizens are supposed to be included in the environmental review …” What the “group” can’t force into the record, its “citizens” can. Who was the quoted “citizen-voice” of these “citizens”? Committee for Responsible Development “leader” Connie Rogers. The “citizens” motivating force? To harass Wal-Mart until it submits to the nonsense of union dictates!

They certainly put Gilroy first!

Sadly, the Rogers’ voice continues to work against Gilroy. In (GUSD’s intent to deceive? – July 20) Eric Leins writes the spokesperson for Neighbors for Responsible Development asked the Board of Trustees “to reveal who authorized the November letter (indicating the District intended to purchase the Day Road site since November 2002, long before alternative sites were being reviewed), but received no response.” Why? “Because it was not an item listed on the agenda, trustees chose not to answer …”

In true representational spirit, however, Board President Jim Rogers gave the standard GUSD “shuck-and-jive” – “… staff and trustees would likely answer the question in the near future.”

Right! Just another question, of an ever-increasing list, which this Board and School Superintendent Edwin Diaz, refuse to openly and honestly discuss.

The Dispatch editorial (“Time is now for Councilman to resign from office” – July 30) certainly spoke out: it was vicious, mean-spirited, self-righteous, smug, sanctimonious and completely myopic. The editorial board berates Councilman Charles Morales who “has not taken the high road” for he did not “publicly apologize and step down.” As he remains a councilman, “the more arrogant and shameful it becomes.” By remaining in office, Morales “disrespects” his office, Gilroy and all citizens.”

What nonsense!

The editorial states: “The city charter is clear: any elected official convicted …” Perhaps, The Dispatch should restrain itself from high holy hypocrisy until the councilman is convicted – rather than anointing itself community judge, jury and executioner. Morales was elected by Gilroy citizens. Yet their choice must be negated because you’re offended? I doubt Gilroy accepts your piety as their way of life.

But, you pompously shout: “If Morales does not resign, a recall drive should ensue.” Why? So Gilroy can look as ridiculous as California now looks as the Republicans seek to steal what they couldn’t gain legitimately – the governor’s office? Morales’ term expires in November 2005. He made a serious mistake for which he may be removed from office. That doesn’t mean he cannot perform his Council duties. Why the superiority? Does the Biblical phrase “Judge not lest ye be judged” have meaning to you? Apparently common sense and compassion do not.

Finally – to Mayor Tom Springer. Thank you – for your Council years and input. You’ve made a positive and lasting difference towards the betterment of all Gilroy. Despite the negative suspicions quoted by Connie Rogers and Roland Velasco, you leave as an honorable man who did his best to serve your community and fellow citizens. As one Gilroy citizen – I’m proud of you for passing my way!

James Brescoll, Gilroy

Submitted Tuesday, Aug. 4

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