music in the park, psychedelic furs

Letters on illegal fireworks, a column error wrongly naming
Community Solutions and raising the debt ceiling
Gilroy needs to stiffen the penalities for setting off illegal fireworks – ‘enough is enough’

Dear Editor,

Enough is enough, July 4th was six days ago yet there are still illegal fireworks going off in Gilroy each night. 

It is time Gilroy needs to get serious about cracking down on illegal fireworks. The fact that a local business, Paul’s Liquors, was caught selling and distributing illegal fireworks should be the final straw for our residents.

I would propose the fine for anyone caught possessing illegal fireworks be raised to $5,000 and require 100 hours of community service. For any person or business caught distributing or selling illegal fireworks the fine should be doubled to $10,000 and require 250 hours of community service.

As for community service hours … how about starting by string trimming all the dried weeds and brush around Gilroy roads and businesses that so easily ignite when struck by sparks from illegal fireworks. 

Russ Rinfret, Gilroy

Community Solutions wrongly named in column; South County Collaborative the right agency

Dear Editor,

I was surprised and disappointed while reading Mark Derry’s Friday column (Page A4, July 8).

In writing about local controversies, he inaccurately listed that school board member Francisco Dominguez is “accused of stealing $52,000 from nonprofit Community Solutions and the Community Solutions Board deciding not to turn over that allegation to independent law enforcement investigators.”

In fact, the case that Mr. Derry was referring to, and on which The Dispatch has repeatedly reported, involves the South County Collaborative, not Community Solutions. These are two separate and distinct organizations and Community Solutions has no relationship, working or otherwise, with Mr. Dominguez.

As Board chair, I am very proud of the services and staff of Community Solutions. For 39 years, the agency has responded to the most critical needs of the community, and does so with professionalism, integrity, and a deep sense of caring for those that are served. In Mr. Derry’s column, he touted numerous “proud Gilroy traditions.” I certainly count Community Solutions among them.

Wes Walker, chair,

Community Solutions Board of Directors

Editor’s note: The Dispatch regrets the error in the column. For clarity purposes, it has been alleged that Gilroy Unified School Board Trustee Francisco Dominguez, acting as a consultant for the South County Collaborative on a federal drug free

communities grant, embezzled $52,000 from that agency. Two affiliated with Community Solutions serve on the South County Collaborative Board, including grants administrator Lynn Magruder, who chairs the South County Collaborative Board, and Erin O’Brien, CEO and president of Community Solutions.

President doesn’t need to consult Congress on debt ceiling – just raise it

Dear Editor,

I don’t understand why President Obama is even negotiating with Congress over the debt ceiling when the 14th Amendment gives him the power to bypass Congress and order the debt ceiling raised. I’m sure if George W. Bush were still president he would not hesitate to bypass Congress.

This is a national emergency. We can not allow the Republican party, which is trying to destroy Medicare, hold America hostage.

Marc Perkel, Gilroy

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