
The Gilroy Rotary Club gave out $27,842 to 26 different
charitable organizations and programs at a recent Rotary luncheon.
The club annually gives out the money generated from its major
fundraisers, and over the last 10 years, has given out $325,000 to
more than 100 nonprofits.
The Gilroy Rotary Club gave out $27,842 to 26 different charitable organizations and programs at a recent Rotary luncheon. The club annually gives out the money generated from its major fundraisers, and over the last 10 years, has given out $325,000 to more than 100 nonprofits.

This year, the Rotary Charitable Giving Committee reviewed more than 40 applications requesting $73,000. The applications were judged on two major criteria – how they impacted our community’s youth and what educational value they were. The recipients of the largest amounts include the Gilroy Community Youth Commission, which received $3,000 for its annual dance for senior citizens, and the Gilroy High School Associated Student Body, which got $3,000 for its annual honor roll brunch.

Programs that received money this year: Antonio del Bono School (performance production costs) $1,500, BSA – Gilroy Troops (to purchase badges and awards) $495, Gilroy Community Services Department (Kids Discover Arts Day) $2,000, Gilroy Community Youth Center (back-to-school supplies) $1,000, Gilroy Community Youth Commission (senior ball by youth) $3,000, Gilroy Community Youth Commission (kids’ triathlon) $1,500, Gilroy Community Youth Commission (host family fun night) $500, Community Solutions (therapeutic books, games and toys) $2,000, Gilroy Police Department (DARE awareness program) $500, GHS woodworking (purchase production stock feeder) $1,792, GHS community garden (purchase tools and materials) $1,000, GHS Grad Night (to support a safe and sober grad night) $1,000, GHS FFA Boosters (farm maintenance materials) $500, GHS link crew program (leadership training) $1,000, GHS ASB (honor roll brunch) $3,000, GUSD – PAR (teaching materials) $1,000, GUSD – South County preschool (supplies for special ed.) $300, GUSD – Glen View Elementary School (purchase books for summer) $1,000, GUSD – Glen View Elementary School (reading program incentives) $1,000, Rod Kelley Elementary School Parent Club (reading awards) $250, Rod Kelley Elementary School ballet (costumes for Folklorico program) $500, SCCOE/Gateway School (exercise bicycle) $500, SV Symphony orchestra (youth concert expenses) $1,000, St. Joseph’s Family Center (homeless household goods) $1,000, Teri Davis Patane Memorial Horse Camp (another portable toilet) $1,000.

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