From left, first-term Board of Education trustees Enrique Diaz, Anisha Munshi, Tuyen Fiack, and incumbent Linda Piceno at board meeting.

In a meeting of firsts and lasts, Gilroy Unified School District ushered in new trustees and honored departing members last week.

First-term Board of Education trustees Enrique Diaz, Anisha Munshi and Tuyen Fiack, as well as incumbent Linda Piceno, all unopposed victors in the November election, were sworn in on Dec. 12.

“I’m looking forward to working on the board and helping out in any way possible. Really that’s just my goal,” said Diaz. “Having a child that just recently graduated through GUSD and also having a child that’s currently going through GUSD, I’m very excited to give back in any way I can. That helps and motivated me.”

Supt. Debbie Flores led the recognitions for outgoing trustees Heather Bass, Patricia Midtgaard and Jaime Rosso.

Outgoing board member Heather Bass, second from left, is honored at the GUSD meeting.

Midtgaard served 11 years on the board, while Rosso—who was joined by immediate and extended family members at the board meeting—finished up 16 years on the board. Rosso, CEO of Rosso’s Furniture in Gilroy and Morgan Hill, had planned to run for re-election but bowed out of the race saying he was happy with the four individuals who filled the four seats.

The new trustees unanimously elected James Pace as board president and Mark Good as vice president. Supt. Flores was also reappointed as secretary to the board.

The terms of Pace, Good and trustee B.C. Doyle expire in 2020.

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