The following organizations and individuals deserve either
CHEERS or JEERS this week:
JEERS: For Gilroy Unified School District’s Academic Performance
Index scores released this week.
The following organizations and individuals deserve either CHEERS or JEERS this week:

JEERS: For Gilroy Unified School District’s Academic Performance Index scores released this week. In comparing similar schools statewide to those in Gilroy, our community is not keeping up with the pack. Antonio Del Buono and Rod Kelley were the two schools that bucked the slippage trend. Though there are various reasons given for the fall, the bottom line is that only three Gilroy schools scored a 5 or better (5 being middle of the pack when compared to similar schools). That’s just not very good. If the staff, students and parents at Antonio Del Buono can deliver an 8 on the API, we ought to be able to do it elsewhere.

CHEERS: For the resurrection of Gilroy High School’s senior play. It’s particularly heartening that GHS alumni came back to support the efforts of first-year drama teacher Ethan Stocks to revive what had been a long-standing tradition. Alumni Dennis Beasley and Lisanne Villa signed on to direct and choreograph, respectively, and band teacher Joey Fortino agreed to direct the play’s orchestra. The result is a spirited performance of “Annie Get Your Gun,” which you can see tonight and Saturday night at the GHS Theater. Curtain is at 8pm, and the show runs next weekend, too.

CHEERS: For Gilroy’s Jeff Garcia who landed in Detroit. As a member of the Lions, Garcia will be given a shot to compete for the starting job and will be reunited with his former coach when he was with the 49ers, Steve Mariucci. After last year’s debacle in Cleveland, it’s no wonder Garcia chose something (the West Coast offense) and someone (Coach Mariucci) familiar. Best of luck, Jeff, now we’ll have a reason to follow the silver and blue.

JEERS: For the news that the bill which would revive tariffs for Chinese garlic, thus leveling the playing field for U.S. farmers is languishing in committee. Congressman Bill Thomas, R-Bakersfield, the chair of the House Ways and Means Committee, won’t bring it to the floor. If you’d like to call his office and register support for the tariff, here’s the number and the fax, 202-225-2915 or 202-225-8798.

JEERS: For the testimony before Congress of major league baseball players on the subject of steroid use. Great sluggers take the Fifth … it’s such a shame with baseball season right around the corner. Congress should quit pussyfooting around. Either baseball agrees to a stringent testing program along the lines of the current Olympic program or the anti-trust exemption is history.

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